Some questions


New Member
Hi guys,

My first question is about sets. I only have 8 exercises but I can't get my head round the 5 rep weeks.
When I was doing Starting Strength, 3x5 of just 3 exercises was a real killer and took an hour and a half to two hours sometimes, I can't imagine 3x5 of 8 exercises! How long are people finding the 5 rep days?

Next, after completing the initial two 5 rep weeks, I'm not sure what's supposed to be happening next. I train alone so can't do the negatives, but to continue after the 5s do you add 2.5kg when successfully getting 3x5 with the previous weight, or do you do something else? Also do you stop doing this and go to an SD stage after the first stall? or after, say, 3 consecutive stalls?

Lastly, increments. If we start at 75% of our max and add 5% each workout, this gives some strange numbers that can't be loaded onto a barbell, for example, 43kg, it either needs to be 42.5 or 45. What do you do in this situation?

Thanks for any help!
Hi guys,

My first question is about sets. I only have 8 exercises but I can't get my head round the 5 rep weeks.
When I was doing Starting Strength, 3x5 of just 3 exercises was a real killer and took an hour and a half to two hours sometimes, I can't imagine 3x5 of 8 exercises! How long are people finding the 5 rep days?

Average is roughly an hour. You wouldn't need to do 3 sets on everything if you are using intelligently planned lifts, as most compounds will have overlap with others. Example you are doing squats and romanian deadlifts for legs, you can do 3x5 on squats and only 1 or 2 x 5 on RDLs.

Next, after completing the initial two 5 rep weeks, I'm not sure what's supposed to be happening next. I train alone so can't do the negatives, but to continue after the 5s do you add 2.5kg when successfully getting 3x5 with the previous weight, or do you do something else? Also do you stop doing this and go to an SD stage after the first stall? or after, say, 3 consecutive stalls?

Just add weight periodically as you feel stronger. Try reading my book, it goes into quite a bit of detail on this.

Lastly, increments. If we start at 75% of our max and add 5% each workout, this gives some strange numbers that can't be loaded onto a barbell, for example, 43kg, it either needs to be 42.5 or 45. What do you do in this situation?

Thanks for any help!

Most of us use a hacksaw or similar to cut the weight plates down to the right weight, then just duct tape them to the end of the bar. I suppose you could just round up or down to the nearest sensible load instead, that would probably be easier.
Most of us use a hacksaw or similar to cut the weight plates down to the right weight, then just duct tape them to the end of the bar. I suppose you could just round up or down to the nearest sensible load instead, that would probably be easier.

(Slaps head in frustration cause I wasted all that time hack sawing)