New Member
Well this is going to be my workout log.
I'm gonna split the workouts in A and B since I've readed it's the best way to train.
I'm also adding cardio on the off days (Monday/wednesday/tuesday weight lifting and tuesday/thursday cardio and maybe one day in the weekend after a month doing this)
This is my current body (taken today after working out)
http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n...pscf1ba803.jpg Back
http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n...psc609f9df.jpg Side
http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n...ps29a45347.jpg Front
My main goal is to get my waist/abdominal fat away and decrease bf% (I think it's near the 20/22% and I wanna get to at least 13 / 16% between the fitness and athletes BF %) I haven't been training for 9 months this was my first 2 days to try out the program.
Secundary goal is to gain muscle and get stronger and after that it's to cut and get lean, that will be my third goal to get the body I desire.
I love sprinting/interval training but got asthma so gotta watch out but that's the cardio I wanna include on the off days but gonna start first with moderate cardio to build up lungs again.
My workout will be as follow;
Workout A
Incline Bench
Push ups
Bent over row
Upright Row
Barbell shrugs
Overhead tri-extension
Barbell curls
Leg Press Calves
Workout B
Chest Dips
Push ups
Chin ups
Military Barbell Press
Dumbell Shrugs
Dumbell Curls
Barbell Calves (smiths machine)
Abs will be done on cardio days.
I've been thinking of adding a forearms excercise to strengthen my forearms.
I noticed my upper body is pretty weak, maybe due to the period I haven't been working out (9 months) so I start low in weights on every excercise since I can't handle alot and I work out on my own, I hope I'll progress as I go on
Since it's HST I've seen it's 15s the first two weeks with 2 sets and then it progresses to 10s with 3 sets and then 5s with 4 sets, I won't be doing negatives, I'll try though but I think I'm gonna do the 5s again since I work alone and don't got a spotter
The calves are improvised since the gym lacks calf machines..
[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I'll try to get to 2.500/3000 cals in meals and such[/FONT]
Suplements are: Dymatize 100% hidrolisate whey, creapure, multivitamin and fish oils.
I take fish oils before sleeping, multis when waking up and the protein shake + creatine when 30mins after working out.
Wish me luck!
Current weight: 76kg +/-
BF%: 22% +/-
I'm gonna split the workouts in A and B since I've readed it's the best way to train.
I'm also adding cardio on the off days (Monday/wednesday/tuesday weight lifting and tuesday/thursday cardio and maybe one day in the weekend after a month doing this)
This is my current body (taken today after working out)
http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n...pscf1ba803.jpg Back
http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n...psc609f9df.jpg Side
http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n...ps29a45347.jpg Front
My main goal is to get my waist/abdominal fat away and decrease bf% (I think it's near the 20/22% and I wanna get to at least 13 / 16% between the fitness and athletes BF %) I haven't been training for 9 months this was my first 2 days to try out the program.
Secundary goal is to gain muscle and get stronger and after that it's to cut and get lean, that will be my third goal to get the body I desire.
I love sprinting/interval training but got asthma so gotta watch out but that's the cardio I wanna include on the off days but gonna start first with moderate cardio to build up lungs again.
My workout will be as follow;
Workout A
Incline Bench
Push ups
Bent over row
Upright Row
Barbell shrugs
Overhead tri-extension
Barbell curls
Leg Press Calves
Workout B
Chest Dips
Push ups
Chin ups
Military Barbell Press
Dumbell Shrugs
Dumbell Curls
Barbell Calves (smiths machine)
Abs will be done on cardio days.
I've been thinking of adding a forearms excercise to strengthen my forearms.
I noticed my upper body is pretty weak, maybe due to the period I haven't been working out (9 months) so I start low in weights on every excercise since I can't handle alot and I work out on my own, I hope I'll progress as I go on

Since it's HST I've seen it's 15s the first two weeks with 2 sets and then it progresses to 10s with 3 sets and then 5s with 4 sets, I won't be doing negatives, I'll try though but I think I'm gonna do the 5s again since I work alone and don't got a spotter
The calves are improvised since the gym lacks calf machines..
[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I'll try to get to 2.500/3000 cals in meals and such[/FONT]
Suplements are: Dymatize 100% hidrolisate whey, creapure, multivitamin and fish oils.
I take fish oils before sleeping, multis when waking up and the protein shake + creatine when 30mins after working out.
Wish me luck!
Current weight: 76kg +/-
BF%: 22% +/-