Stiff leg deadlift


New Member
Hi! Noob question here. I've always used squats+stiff leg deadlift to work legs and I love it but I've always heard that SLDL shouldn't be done in low reps. So in HST how should I do them in the 3x5 weeks? I don´t really want a lower back injury.
Tnx in advance.
They're a hamstring exercise so you shouldn't be using lower back , stay light and focus on working your hams. SLDL is a great ham exercise when done correctly, just keep it light and concentrate on what you're working rather than worrying about heavy weight and turning it into a deadlift. Alternate with another hamstring exercise if you find it's too much for one week.

Hope that helps.
I agree with Nagels. Don't do them off the floor. Do them like "Romanian Deadlift" which means start at the top, then lower the bar only as low as you can to work hamstrings while keeping your lower back rigid. Most guys can't lower the bar to floor without rounding the lower back which is a big no-no. As long as you are careful and use good form, I don't see a problem doing the 5s.
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I prefer romanian deads to stiff leg. As long as you use a load that is your actual 5 RM with proper form, you will be fine. As with most exercises, sacrificing form to increase the load is generally a bad idea.