strategic deconditioning


New Member

I just stumbled upon HST because i was searching on information about how the human body builds muscle. So I read the site and the awesome E-Book and want to give iy a try.
now I know my 15, 10 and 5rm because I do my sets in a reverse pyramid style. My question is do I have to take a SD before starting the HST program? and If i don't take one, will it affect the quality of the results in any way? I ask because I already took 2 weeks off about a month ago and really don't want to take time off from the gym again.

I was doing a full body 3 day split before the break, and am now doing and upper/lower 4 day split with just these lifts ( Bench press, standing obevrhaed , Rows , Pull ups / chin ups weighted, front squats and sumo deadlifts. 1 tri and bi isolation ).

Thanks, I tried to search the forum and couldn't find anything sorry if this was answered before
Yes, you should still SD. If you dont then the low loads at the beginning of the cycle wont be enough to induce hypertrophy. You could always keep working away, I presume, at your/near to your maxes for another couple of weeks, then SD and start a proper cycle.
I would definitely take an SD before starting since you have been lifting.

On the HST FAQ forum there is a sticky on Strategic Deconditioning. If you read through the science of how it works, I think you will come to the realization you should do an SD.
Then don't take one now, but remember to do it when the 8 weeks are over. Depending on how you've worked out up until now your muscles may be conditioned to the heavier loads than you'd normally start 15's with. 2 weeks of 15's will still decondition your muscles more or less from the heavier loads.
Thank you for the replies, guess I'll suck it up and take a deload, since looking at my log turns out its been 12 weeks since the last one lol. Time flys I guess..
not to hijack a thread but I am a week away from my rest / strategic deconditioning. I understand that I should do no gym weights at all, and I will not.

but what about the cardio I have been doing - swimming and heavy bag? can I alternate those every 2nd day? or should I really and truly do zero exercise during the rest period?
not to hijack a thread but I am a week away from my rest / strategic deconditioning. I understand that I should do no gym weights at all, and I will not.

but what about the cardio I have been doing - swimming and heavy bag? can I alternate those every 2nd day? or should I really and truly do zero exercise during the rest period?

Yes, SD means zero exercise. So that would be the ideal. But as Old and Grey said, moderate cardio is okay.
Not doing anything sucks , but whatever 3 more days lol. On the bright side my music ear training is improving a lot thanks to the extra practice time
these negative sets are ridiculously hardmy chest and shoulders and cramping uncontrollably after 2 negative set workoutson painkillers today.