Supersets ?


New Member
Hi guys, I was wondering what do you think for supersetting these 8 exercises from my HST cycle:

Leg press
Leg curls
Incline Bench Press alternated every next workout with Dips
Bent Over BB Rows
Pullups (alternate wide and close grip)
Military Press
Standing Calf Raise

I will probably start with the supersets from the beginning of my 10s, so if someone have some recommendation on which with which exercises to supersets it will be great to share it with me.

I was thinking of something like:

Leg press superset with Leg curls
Incline Bench Press alternated every next workout with Dips and superset with Bent Over BB Rows
Military Press
CGBP superset with Standing Calf Raise (on the smith mashine)

Not sure about the pullups and military press, should i superset them.

P.S If someone can advice me on how should i alternate the pullups (Narrow grip chin up, palms facing me.
and Wide grip pull up, palms away. ) every workout or what ?
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Other than time restrictions I don't see a real need to superset, but if you like to do that go ahead. I don't train like that anymore (Poliquin Style), it fatigues the hell out of me, and it just doesn't produce any significant advantage in doing so.
Actually the reason is that i am in a university, study engineering and dont have too much time :D..... On the other hand, I will soon finish with my year and have a summer break where i wont do supersets ( i will do my regular routine). I was just wondering for my further cycles when i go back to the uni. Anyway, I am now more interested in my question about the pull ups. Should i alternate the pullups (Narrow grip chin up, palms facing me.
and Wide grip pull up, palms away. ) every workout or what ?
Stick to one kind. You can't progress properly if you keep changing the exercise, unless you work out separate progression for each one. They are not the same exercise.
The problem is that for the 10s i will not progress to much with the wide grip pull-ups, because i cant do them with to many weight (this is why i will use pulldown machine). So, will you suggest me to focus only on the wide grip pull-ups and leave the chunups( if i include them in my program, the volume will be to much) ? Should then i need to alternate any grips for the pull-ups only ?
Do not alternate grips. As I said, if you alternate grips then you have to consider them completely different exercises, figure different RMs for each grip, different progression, etc. Changing grip alters the way your joints and muscles move the weight.
Okey, so I will stick to wide grip pull ups and when i do the 10s i will start with lat pulldowns and when it comes time for 5s i will start with body weight and after two three workouts will add weight.
Drop sets, yes. Supersets, no. Might be good for an aerobic type workout, if that is what you want. $.02!
I don't find supersets to be necessary at all and I don't feel they allow enough rest i.e. heart rate, respiration returning to baseline, etc. Not only that, but guys who superset in the gym are usually monopolizing more than one piece of equipment, which unless you are lifting at an off time when there are very few people there, is a massively douchey thing to do.

I'm not really sure how it saves much time anyway. I do six to eight lifts per workout yet finish in an average of 45 minutes as long as I don't do too much reading on my phone between sets. How long are your workouts lasting?
Mine are like around 1h with the strech and warm up on the bike. And even if i add some abwork. It isnt too much, you are right i dont need to superset.
Not only that, but guys who superset in the gym are usually monopolizing more than one piece of equipment, which unless you are lifting at an off time when there are very few people there, is a massively douchey thing to do.

People do it all the time in the gym I go to and it irritates the hell out if me, and I'm there at 5am when they are pretty slow. But I just wait for them to move off the equipment I want to use and then I start using it. If they say anything I just tell them that I thought that they were done with it because they walked away from it and were using another piece of equipment. What bothers me even more is when one of the trainers has a group training session and takes up 6 pieces of equipment at the same time. And then they never wipe the equipment down when they are done.

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I don't superset, but I like to alternate push and pull exercises. Saves a bit of time.
People do it all the time in the gym I go to and it irritates the hell out if me, and I'm there at 5am when they are pretty slow. But I just wait for them to move off the equipment I want to use and then I start using it. If they say anything I just tell them that I thought that they were done with it because they walked away from it and were using another piece of equipment. What bothers me even more is when one of the trainers has a group training session and takes up 6 pieces of equipment at the same time. And then they never wipe the equipment down when they are done.

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Yes, I absolutely hate it when the trainers employed by the gym decide to have their clients use six different pieces of equipment to do circuit training or some other dumb crap. It really is six pieces every time. My last gym strictly forbade doing stuff like that.
Yes, I absolutely hate it when the trainers employed by the gym decide to have their clients use six different pieces of equipment to do circuit training or some other dumb crap. It really is six pieces every time. My last gym strictly forbade doing stuff like that.

I would really like to start working out in my basement again. But I have to wait for my 22 year old daughter and two grandkids to move the hell out of my house so that I don't wake up the 10 week old baby (or the 2-1/2 year old for that matter) banging weights around (they sleep in the basement). And yes, I'm way too young to be a grandparent. To all you young guys out there...keep it wrapped! Your parents don't want you living in their basement with your kids!

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