Day 2 should have the same exercises, but they should be addressing either explosive strength, weaknesses in the lift or lagging body parts.
Roughly speaking:
Day 1 - heavy - highest load
Day 2 - light - lowest load, moderate volume at that lower load
Day 3 - medium - most volume
Day 4 - active recovery/speed/active recovery
I also think HBBS are not very good at advancing your HBBS or LBS. You will detrain that squat reflex, IMO.
I'll take one more crack at it.
Day 1 (HEAVY):
primary DL singles/doubles to 6-8 reps @ 90%, doubles/triples to 6-9 reps @ 85% (12 to 17 reps total)
paused bench singles/doubles to 6-8 reps @ 90%, doubles/triples to 6-9 reps @ 5RM (12 to 17 reps total)
primary squat singles/doubles to 6-8 reps, doubles/triples to 6-9 reps @ 5RM (12 to 17 reps total)
machine row cluster to 12-15 reps @ 90%
Day 2 (LIGHT, addressing weaknesses):
deficits (off floor strength): 3x8 @ 70% (24 reps)
spoto press (off chest strength/stability): 3x8 @ 70% (24 reps)
front/paused HBBS squat (quads, stability): 2x8 @ 70% (16 reps)
machine rows: 3x8 @ 70% (24 reps)
Day 3 (MODERATE, most volume):
primary DL doubles/triples to 12-15 reps @ 85%, 1x5 @ 80%, 1x5 @ 75% (22 to 25 reps total)
paused bench triples/quads to 12-15 reps @ 85%, 2x5 @ 80% (22 to 25 reps total)
primary squat triples/quads to 12-15 reps @ 85%, 2x5 @ 80% (22 to 25 reps total)
weighted pullups 4x4 @ 85%, BW to RPE 9.5
Day 4 (don't know how to program rep/scheme and load for active recovery):
front squat, OHP, shrugs, weighted pullups, t&g bench ??? load