For what it is worth... I did not agree with the entire TNation article either, but felt it was ok considering most of the main stream stuff that is written and published is totally geared up for people on anabolic substances. It was a nice change to see something a little more realistic for naturals. I still feel that when you apply HST principles with myo-reps to what this article says, it is relatively a good set up for beginner, intermediate and advanced. I am playing with the TNation routine now and feel that it works fine (as long as HST principles are applied), but my preference will be to go back to Monday - Wednesday - Friday full body routines, because I very much like the day off in between for mental and physical recovery. I could probably drop down to training 2X a week, because hypertrophy is not a huge goal any more (215lbs).
I feel that frequency is important no matter the training level you are at. I have experimented extensively with routines as well as spoken to a Physical Therapist (who advises me that best hypertrophy occurs when a muscle is trained every 48 hours). I am not saying that you won't get results from training 2X a week with more volume, but it seems that 3X a week with less volume is optimal. Hitting a muscle more than 3X a week can work too as you say, but the big factor here is whether your body can handle it due to circumstances such as age, health, sleep, diet...
Increasing load is absolutely important and I feel that that the goal is to be lifting more each HST cycle that you do (a progression). I have done the whole crazy load thing and have since learned that it is best to take it steady. I even think adding a rep here and there as well as controlling the weight more adds to loading while you are aiming to add some more plates to the bar. I didn't really understand the comment about load not being finite. I feel that you do end up hitting a wall with load eventually. Heaving heavy-heavy weight is a young man's game and boy do you need to be smart about it or you just wind up in "snap city" feeling the regret and wondering how the body will be when you turn 65 years of age.
I am probably not a big fan of higher volume and lower frequency and here is why... I have found that with more volume, I just lose mojo or tenacity (whatever you want to call it) as I progress through the routine. In my my opinion, there is nothing worse than being halfway through a chest workout and thinking "How many reps do I have now?". For me, it is much easier to have a higher frequency and lower volume. Training 3X a week seems to work really well for me, really well. I balance out the volume with the frequency and just hit it hard. Training Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are great as it allows that day off in between for both mental and physical recovery.