time to polish up the GUNZZZ!

I hate cuts, and it's all I have been doing, but I've been somewhat successful granted the lack of time to put in my workout schedule. Sci, you and I will both have great results for our New Year's pictures!
I want to get rid of the hip fat that I have developed over the last couple of years while bulking and keep it off...no more bulking for me.
Once I reach my target leanness I will eat 'normal' and train heavy and hopefully very slowly hypertrophy the muscles and 'slow-bulk' or whatever you want to call it.
I am hoping to have a decent 'washboard' and visible obliques by new year's.
(scientific muscle @ Oct. 29 2007,21:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am hoping to have a decent 'washboard' and visible obliques by new year's.</div>
My obliques show just fine, as does my serratus. Unfortunately, instead of a washboard I seem to have a washtub. I don't have abs -- I have an ab...

More cutting to do...
I'm going for a big fat belly and a 500lb deadlift. Then I'll do a cut.
Damn, cutting is boring. I am at the point where I have little energy and can no longer progres the loads, so I am simply lifting the same heavy loads each workout in order to convince my body to keep its muscle mass and burn fat as an energy source instead.
So far it seems to be working, I am down to 187 lb.s or so and my muscle mass seems unchanged while my pants are much looser around the hips than they have been in over a year!!!

Since my workouts are boring and repetitive, I won't be posting in this log until I am finished leaning down and then I will post pics and start &quot;HST PROPER&quot; with some real nutrition for hypertrophy.
I may even sign up Bryan Haycock to train me with the Podfitness program, that would be pretty awesome.

See you in a few weeks when I am done getting chiseled!
Whilst in one corner of the planet an HST advocate sheds a pound of fat, so too, in another corner, an HST advocate gains a pound of fat... and balance is restored.

Hope you finish your cut soon or I'm going to be one corpulent old lard butt!  

Also, hope you take the PodFitness challenge next cycle.
(Lol @ Oct. 31 2007,21:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Whilst in one corner of the planet an HST advocate sheds a pound of fat, so too, in another corner, an HST advocate gains a pound of fat... and balance is restored.

Hope you finish your cut soon or I'm going to be one corpulent old lard butt!  

Also, hope you take the PodFitness challenge next cycle.</div>
They say that pain is weakness leaving the body?

I say that weakness is enthusiasm leaving the gym!

Maybe that's why my &quot;cuts&quot; never last more than a week!
I am normally like you Quad, but I am intent on seeing this cut through to its end and really getting lean before I go for size again. I have never had a real 'chiseled' hard look in my life. When I was young I was skinny but not muscular, this past year I got some muscle mass, but was a little flabby.
I really want to experience being semi-ripped for once in my life. I usually give up cutting too soon also because it is boring and somwhat uncomfortable.
keep at it sci! I was a heavey 220lbs @ 6' 2&quot; last winter. My cut was suppose to be done by summer, but real life distractions and multiple vacations later I am still cutting!

I am now down to 190lbs. I have lost 1.25&quot; on my arms and I can't wait to get it back, but the cut is totally worth it. Like you I was a skinny guy, bulked up for years and never slimmed down. Now that i am going on 27 I want to be healthier and look like I lift weights, not another fat guy.

I am proud to say I now have 4 distinct abs and shold be 2-4lbs away from a six pack. I feel good and have lost minimal strength by doing my 5RM for weeks on end. KEEP AT IT, YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID WHEN YOU START PUTTING ON WEIGHT AGAIN, AS EVERY POUND OF LBM WILL BE MUCH MORE NOTICEABLE.

I am planning on startin at 9-10%, which should give me a six-pack. I think I am at 10-11% since I have a good 4pack.

What does everyone think a good stopping point for cutting is? I want to slim down as much as possible w/o sacrificing lbm too much.
Go by the mirror. Stop cutting when you are satisfied. Bodyfat% are just estimates.
Great story. May 20th this year I was at my highest bodyweight ever, 212 lb.s I have lost some muscle since then, but mostly fat. I am about 187 now so I have lost 25 lb.s since my peak which isn't bad.

I totally agree about how bulking from a lean state is the best...not only will the size increases look better, but the leaner you are the better the partitioning ratio of mass gained will be.
(scientific muscle @ Nov. 01 2007,21:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Go by the mirror.  Stop cutting when you are satisfied.</div>
I was more asking when is the optimal point to stop knowing that I am going to do a slow bulk afterwards?

I would think 9%, right when a full 6 pack is poking out is a good point. If you go too far, you are going to lose too much lbm along with the fat, right?
(jwbond @ Nov. 02 2007,11:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Nov. 01 2007,21:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Go by the mirror. Stop cutting when you are satisfied.</div>
I was more asking when is the optimal point to stop knowing that I am going to do a slow bulk afterwards?

I would think 9%, right when a full 6 pack is poking out is a good point. If you go too far, you are going to lose too much lbm along with the fat, right?</div>
While cutting at 9%, you'll probably lose a greater % of muscle than cutting at oh say 13%. Ditto to what Sci said about the partitioning ratio at a lower bf%. With that being true, a slow bulk is very optimal at a lean state. This is why I plan on cutting down to 10%, and then cruising on the slow bulk ship.

*I still need to read a lot about partitioning ratio/effects, but I'll save that after next week!
(jwbond @ Nov. 02 2007,11:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Nov. 01 2007,21:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Go by the mirror.  Stop cutting when you are satisfied.</div>
I was more asking when is the optimal point to stop knowing that I am going to do a slow bulk afterwards?

I would think 9%, right when a full 6 pack is poking out is a good point.   If you go too far, you are going to lose too much lbm along with the fat, right?</div>
You STILL probably should go by the mirror. One guy at 10% will look fatter than another guy at 10%.
Or leaner, if you wish.
I think that near the end of a cut, you may begin to lose more muscle than you'd want to lose...but that also can be decided with the ol' mirror again...are ya starting to look like a swimmer or are you continuing to show more muscle?
No point in cutting to nothing if there's nothing there to cut to !
i believe the thinking has recently changed on the lbm gains being improved when starting from a leaner state.

i dont have access to the info i read a little while ago right now (im sure it was over at lyles) but similar to the p-ratio debate muscle gains are &quot;mainly&quot; influenced by genetics, hormones etc etc and all that we have control over............diet, w/o, starting leaness, sleep, stress etc can make a diff but it is a small(er) %.

perhaps someone has access to the info im talking about or has some input on it.
Maybe I will stop my cut now then, rather than going for a 6pack...that can wait until summer.

Perhaps today is a good day for SD followed by a slow bulk!