Been on HST since October (after not training for months and then training as an ill-informed high schooler for years beforehand and not making any progress), and gained about 15lb-20lb of strength per arm (since I've been using dumbbells) for all my lifts. So if we're looking at combined lifting numbers, that's 30lb-40lb past starting PRs. I consider that pretty good. Weirdly enough, though I did gain some muscle, and have been consistently eating around 3k cals a day, I've only managed to gain 5lb since October, which is weird considering I'm 5'8, 150lbish pounds, and don't do any cardio. Diet's good too - almost always complex carbs, lean meats, peanutbutter, fish, diary, etc. I would have figured I'd be around 165-170lb now - mostly from fat lol. Beats me. I certainly don't look very ectomorphic, if that concept is even valid anymore.Anyway, the one thing I regret is neglecting my lower body, partially due to the fact that I didn't have the necessary equipment to work it sufficiently (I have an adjustable dumbbell...that's right...one adjustable dumbbell, that goes up to 100lb. Hence I work each arm independently for all my lifts but haven't been able to squat or deadlift). So I figure I'm going to join the gym once I finish up this cycle of HST so I can start squating and deadlifting. As it stands, I'm starting to become more interested in strength than aesthetics, so I want to focus on that come after this HST cycle, and am wondering if switching to a program like Stronglifts will be beneficial to my altering endeavors. Now I know that Stronglifts uses submaximal weights just like HST, but that's essentially where the similarities end. It's more focused on the CNS.Now, knowing what I want to achieve, would a switch be beneficial and cause more rapid increases in strength than what I've experienced on HST (excluding the obvious noobie gains I'll get from squating/deadlifting because I haven't been able to do those exercises) or is this all hogwash and should I stick with HST? If I'm still in the realm of 150lb by the time I finish up this 4th cycle of HST, I'm not going to cut, simply because I don't feel I'm at the point where I need to, so I'd probably end up doing Stronglifts on a bulk as well.Thanks, folks
. Don't know why the hell my line breaks don't show up...so sorry for the lack of paragraphs.

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