Too much volume?


New Member
Hi, I use 13 exercises per workout in my hst scheme. Do you think I will have too much volume if I do 2 sets on my first week of 10's?
Dear Kickboxer,

I normally shoot for up to three working sets for each exercise.

Your 13 exercises - what are they exactly?

I choose one good exercise per bodypart, and do three work sets. A drop-set might be the same exercise or a different one.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing :)
The exercises below are the ones I perform every workout. I've also included the amount of sets per workout that I'm planning to do on my first week of 10's. I'm wondering if this could be too much volume and if this will keep me in the gym for too long, putting me in a hormonally incorrect phase (considering the pretty high intensity, GH-levels tend to decrease after about 40-60 min, while cortisol levels continues to rise).

I think my workout could take more than one hour if I do two sets, but on the other hand it might not be enough with one set. I'm a little confused about what to do. I've just completed my 15 rep cycle and I now realise that I might have too many exercises per workout to be able to use 2 sets per exercise during 10's.

Well you said you picked one good exercise per bodypart.....what exercises do you think are the best for each bodypart?

Chins 2 sets
Incline bench 2 sets
Seated Row 2 sets
Shoulder Press 1 set
Leg Press 1 set
Leg Curl 2 sets
Triceps Push-down 2 sets
Calf Raise 2 sets
Dips 1 set
Straight Bar Curl 2 sets
Lateral Raise 1 set
Shrugs 1 set
Abs Machine 2 sets

Total amount of sets per week (10's first week): 63
Where are your squats and deadlifts? Why do you use an ab machine? Ditch the lateral raises and leg press. Stick with compound exercises. Maybe even sub close grip bench for tri pushdowns.
Thanks for the reply bourbinboy.....I'm going to start my 10's tomorrow and I haven't found my maxes for squat or deadlift, so I can't implement them into my hst-scheme until next cycle I guess. But maybe it's not too late to ditch some of the exercices and maybe get down to about 9-10 exercises.
I prefer less exercises and more volume
my workout looks like
squat/deadlift 2 sets
bench 2 sets and on the 5th 3-4 sets
press 2 sets and on the 5th 3-4 sets
row/chin 2 sets

thats it, i feel good with this :)