toward the end of 1st cycle


New Member
Hello guys, i am towards the end of the 1st cycle, only 3 workouts left for completing the cycle.

do i need to test my rep max again or i directly do sd??

coz then if i sd after completin the cycle it will work this way

sd- testing rep max - sd - n then the start of new cycle.

pls explain

I posted a similar question before, and here's how I understood it...

Maxing out again after a cycle is optional. If you do decide to max out again, you do it right after your last week of 5s, then you SD.

So... last week of 5s, Max-out, SD, start new cycle.

Again, i'm not sure if this is correct. This is how I understood it after receiving some answers.
at the end of each cycle 15s,10s,5s, it is easier to do your maxes you get to your last workout of each cycle if you can put on more weight than you have wrote down then that is your new max..if you just want to change a few exercises then on your last week of post 5s or negs...on mon do 15rm wed 10rm fri 5rm and add them onto your routine.. :D
at the end of each 2wk cycle if your weight has increased that is your new max for that if your rep max for squats is 100k but on your last day you can manage 105k then do it and use that as your new cycle..
make a sheet like this.
m w f m w f n.max
75 80 85 90 95 100 105
you should be doing
2wks 15s
2wks 10s
2wk 5s
2wks post5s or negs
finish friday 9days sd start back a week on monday