Transitioning rep phase question ie, going from 15's to 10's


New Member
[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]When I enter my max 15, 10 and 5 on the calculator do 10lb increments, my first workout weight of 10's is actually lower than my 6th workout of 15's. Same happens on my 5's. This seems like it defeats the "progressive load" concept. Now if I do 10lb increments just for the 15's and 5lb increments for the 10's and 5's, I dont drop any wieght in the transition of rep phases. Anyone have any input on this?[/FONT]
Zig Zagging is a very hard concept to believe in. It took me several years to come to appreciate that it, indeed, works. (I wish Totz's ebook had been available 11 years ago when I first came across HST as it does a great job in pulling together all of the principles of HST.) Many people fail early on when first trying HST because they believe that they need to work close to failure to make gains when, in fact, constantly working close to failure guarantees little to no hypertrophy except in total beginners. Some people even believe that they can improve upon HST by going ahead and doing their RM for 6 straight workouts. They can't. There have been many, many studies done to prove this yet most gym rats and personal trainers continue to go down the max effort route and their gains stall. I think when beginning HST you just have to trust us on this. As you progress with your knowledge of the reasoning behind HST, it will dawn on you that it is the best way to train for hypertrophy. However, bear in mind that zig zagging without a proper Strategic Deconditioning is not effective in adding mass either. Use all of the principles of HST to design your program; do not cherry-pick from them and expect results.

As with anything, there is an exception to this and that is to continue at your 5 RM for an extra couple of weeks. However, let's leave that (and the science behind it) until you have a couple of HST cycles under your belt.

Happy lifting.

O&G :cool:
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