

Hi I am doing shrugs but I am not seeing any size on my traps what other excersie i can do.

Thanks, Aamar
How much load are you using for shrugs? Your traps are phenomenally strong. It is not unreasonable to be able to use 2 x bw for quite high reps (>10) after you have trained them for a while.

Power cleans and clean high-pulls are also excellent trap builders. Cleans are such a ballistic exercise that even using lighter loads than you would for shrugs requires a very powerful contraction of the traps in order to accelerate the bar.
Definitely go a lot heavier than that. Try getting into the 5-10 rep range and see what happens.
ok thanks i weigh 55kg so i will add 55kg on to the bar

What I would do is increment the load each workout starting from where you are now. Add 5kg each session until you get to a load where you can only manage 5 good reps per set. Do 20-30 total reps per session. Traps usually respond quite well so you should get some decent growth over a few cycles if you are eating enough.