I've been away for a while (nothing unusual there...), dealing with PTSD, a few injuries, and taking care of my mother's last days. She made it nearly to 101 years-old! She missed it by only four months. That's too old; I have no doubt she is much more comfortable now.
I've been back in the gym for a few months now. Here's hoping I'll be able to keep it up.
Week March 24-28
Squat/Deads 3x3x185
Bench 3x5x70
Row 3x5x40
Chin/Dip 3x5x(BW-30)
Week March 31-April 4
Squat/Deads 3x3x195
Bench 3x5x75
Row 3x5x45
Chin/Dip 3x5x(BW-25)
Week April 7
Monday only (dental emergency)
Squat 3x3x205
Deads 3x3x215
Bench 3x5x80
Row 3x5x50
Chin/Dip 3x5x(BW-20)
I was surprised by how challenging the 205 lb squat was. It took a great deal of effort for what I consider to be little more than a warm-up weight. It was difficult and discouraging.
I think I started a bit too heavy on my squats. I'd been bothered in the past that my deads and squats maxes were so far apart, so I tried boosting my squats a bit and limiting my deads in an effort to keep them the same. That was a mistake. So today I began to increment my deadlift a bit more than my squat.
I had to take off Wednesday and Friday with a dental issue.
Week April 14-18
Squat 3x3x205
Deads 3x3x225
Bench 3x5x80
Row 3x5x60
Chin/Dip 3x5x(BW-15)
Whoo hooo! I made it a whole month!
I admitted to myself that I'm getting old (and that I've been away from the gym for too long). Thus, I wore a belt for my squats; it made all the difference in the world!
The 60 lb row is really pretty heavy. I can do it with full range of motion, but it is challenging. I do not intend to increase the weight next week.
The flat bench was busy on Friday, so I attempted an incline bench with 80 lbs. It was too much for me. Instead of sets of five, I settled for sets of three (and got a spotter for the third set).
I am nearly at Body Weight on my chins and dips (Friday I went to BW-10). The wuss-assist device no longer offers very much help. For next week I plan to begin the Soviet Squat Routine (
Are Chin-Ups the Best Exercise for Lat Development? - Think Muscle) for my chin/dips, rather than continuing with 3x5s.

Are Chin-Ups the Best Exercise for Lat Developmen...
Q: My favorite author said in a magazine that chin-ups were the best lat exercise, hands down. Do you think this is true,?
Week of April 21-25
Alas old age has crept up on me. Even with the weeny weights I've been using, my body is starting to complain. I have a pain on the inner side of my left knee and soreness in my left ankle.
Thus I shall take a deload week.
I plan to hit the gym only Tuesday and Thursday, with significantly less weight. Further, I've gotten rid of my puffy, running shoes and switched to my flat-bottom, wrestling Asics. This should hold me until next week, when I plan to resume my progression.
Tuesday, April 22
Squat 3x3x185
Deads 1x3x205, 1x3x225, 2x3x205
Bench 3x5x75
Row 3x5x50
Chin/Dip 6x2
Thursday, April 24
Squat 3x3x185
Deads 1x3x205, 1x3x225, 1x1x245
Bench 3x5x70
Row 3x5x50
Chin/Dip 3x5x(BW-30)
Whoops! I had intended to do a triple at 245, then finish two more sets of three at 205. However, after only one, fairly easy rep, something gave way in my buttocks.
I don't know if I pulled something or tore something or strained something; I'm not all that knowledgeable about sports injuries. But it was bad enough that I couldn't make myself pick up the bar a second time.
As I was considering what to do, and how to finish my workout, a younger and wiser soul suggested that I quit while I was ahead and put some ice on it. This is one of the guys who does some heavy squats and deads, so I listened to him. I went and stood in a cold shower for a bit, then came home. I'll see my doctor this evening, but I'll likely back off a bit.
Week April 28-May 3
Thursday only
The good doctor told me what happened sounded like a simple muscle spasm--no big deal. There was no pain the next day, not even DOMS. I took a whole week off just to make sure, then hit the gym today. I also made a point of warming up a lot more than I had been. I even wore a belt as a sort of concession to old age.
Squat 10x45, 5x95, 3x135, 3x185, 3x205, 2x3x185
Deads 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x245, 2x3x225
Bench 3x5x75
Row 3x5x55
Chin/Dip 3x5x(BW-10)
I felt pretty good afterwards. Time was about 1 hr and 20 minutes. I plan to only do Tuesday and Thursday next week. I may not up the weights just yet. "Start too light and progress slowly": Wendler sounds like my doctor...
Tuesday, May 6
Squat 10x45, 5x95, 3x135, 3x185, 3x205, 3x225, 2x3x205
Deads 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x245, 2x3x225
Bench 3x5x80
Row 3x5x55
Chin/Dip 6x2
Friday, May 9
Busy on Thursday, so made it up today.
Squat 10x45, 5x95, 3x135, 3x185, 3x205, 3x225, 2x3x205
Deads 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x245, 2x3x225
Bench 3x5x80
Row 3x5x55
Chin/Dip 6x3
I plan to increase both squats and deads by 10 lbs next week. I find that my shoulders are doing the most complaining, so I'll keep bench and row the same.
week of May 12-16
Monday, May 12
Squat 10x45, 5x95, 3x135, 3x185, 3x205, 3x215, 3x235, 2x3x215
Deads 10x135, 3x185, 3x235, 3x255, 2x3x235
Bench 3x3x85
Row 3x5x60
Chin/Dip 6x2
I increased the squats and deads by 10 lbs each, and the bench and rows by 5 lbs. I went from three sets of five on bench to three sets of three (and it was hard). Row was surprisingly easy, so I did three sets of five.
Wednesday, May 14
Squat 5x135, 3x185, 3x215, 3x235, 2x3x215
Deads 10x135, 3x185, 2x3x235, 3x255, 2x3x235
Bench 3x3x85
Row 3x5x60
Chin/Dip 6x4
The power rack was busy today, so I did my deads first. I forgot to up the second set by 20 lbs, as I like to do, so I did that after the second set. Then I guess I lost count until just now as I sat down to type--I did two more sets at my prescribed work weight, making a total of four work sets of 235 lbs (oops).
I had finished up all my deads, chins, dips, benches, and rows before I was even able to start my squats. I figured I was plenty warmed up, and didn't want to tire myself out further at the end of a long workout, so I skipped the warm up with the lighter weights and started out at 135 lbs. The 185 lb triple was more difficult than the sets of 215 lbs. I attribute that to wearing a belt for all lifts over 200 lbs.
My chin/dip workout had me scheduled for 6x4 today. I confess I was a bit apprehensive, but I got them done (though I had to stick my chin up a bit on the very last set of 4).
I came home feeling pleasantly beaten up.
Tuesday, May 27
Squat 10x95, 5x135, 3x185, 3x205, 3x215, 3x3x225
Deads 10x135, 5x185, 3x225, 3x3x245
Bench 3x5x70
Row 3x5x55
Chin/Dip 6x2
Okay, I just took two weeks off. During one of my deadlifts earlier this month, I had managed to hurt myself a little bit. I had a painful twinge in my left buttock (insert appropriate Forrest Gump quote here). I spoke to my doctor about it on two occasions; he didn't seem bothered about it at all, even though it has been consistently painful for me. Just to be safe I took the two weeks off. Today, when I was lifting, it hurt a little bit, but the weights went up just fine.
I backed off the weight a little bit on my bench and rows. It is not so much that I find the bar heavy, but rather that it hurts my shoulders when I press the bar up. The worst part is that it is not my bad shoulder that hurts, but the other, supposedly "good" shoulder that is giving me grief.
I upped the work set weight by ten lbs for both squats and deads. The bar seemed to come up just fine. I'll plan to repeat this workout on Thursday, then make a decision on how to proceed.
Here's hoping I can be faithful to keep this up. It looks to be a busy summer, so I'll have lots of excuses...