Using weight training to deplete muscle glycogen?


New Member
If a person is doing weight training to deplete muscle glycogen (UD2.0 training) levels adequately on a weekly basis to allow for the massive 24hr weekend carb load, which training principle is most important... 1.)The 45-60 second time frame,2.) 12-20 rep range using the heaviest weight possible (usually 50-60% of my 1rm)<note, when I do this I can complete each set in about 20-30 second range> for the designated 12 total sets,3.) lightening up the load below 50% of 1rm and then slowing down the rep speed emphasizing strict and proper form (think 3sec ecentric/1 second concentric) and hitting the recommened time frame 45-60 second mark,4.) or by reversing this process by slowing down the concetric portion to 3 second cadence and a 1 second ecentric cadence.
There is a website for the book called, this question has been asked and answered several times including a literature review I believe.
45-60 second sets emphasising the concentric, no emphasis on eccentric. Amount of sets depends on muscle group size, for a general goal shoot for between 4 - 7 sets
45-60 second sets emphasising the concentric, no emphasis on eccentric. Amount of sets depends on muscle group size, for a general goal shoot for between 4 - 7 sets