VQ35DE first cycle



Squat - 2x5x225
Incline Bench - 3x5,4-1,3-2x205, 1x10x150
Upright Row - 3x5x65, 1x10x30
Chinup - 3x5,4-1,5x45, 1x10xBW


2,882cal 232c 104f 169p

WT : 167.0

Squated real weight today because my knee has been feeling good enough. Clustered the 2nd set (4-1) and 3rd set (3-2) of incline bench. Also clustered the 2nd set (4-1) of chinups but took a good enough rest to finish the 3rd. It's more of a grip issue then a strength issue for chinups.


Squat - 2x5x230
Cable Row - 3x5x195, 1x10x130
Chest Dip - 3x5x60, 1x10xBW
Military Press - 3x5x125, 1x7-3x90


3,096cal 365c 89f 182p

WT : 166.0

Clustered the metabolic set of press because I didn't wait long enough. Waited 2-3 minutes between work sets then tried to rush the metabolic in less than a minute.


Squat - 2x5x235
Chinup - 3x5x55, 1x10xBW
Incline Bench - 3x5,3-2,3-2x210, 1x10x150


2,776cal 225c 122f 186p

WT : 167.0

Had a slight twinge in my right upper-back before I started but didn't do the usual pre-workout foam rolling to save time, big mistake. Felt it during the break between the last work set and metabolic set of chinups. By the time I got through with benching it was very aggravated. I went to do upright rows and my right upper-back on top of the shoulder blade was not agreeing. So the plan is to wait two days, max on the other lifts, then start at the begining again. On a better note I didn't have to cluster chinups at all, I took at least 3 minute breaks between each work set. Squats are feeling strong, going to keep increasing 5 lbs a session til I am forced to dump the weight.
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Squat - 2x5x240
Chest Dip - 3x5x65, 1x10xBW
Cable Row - 3x5x200, 1x10x130
Military Press - 3x5x130, 1x10x90


2,727cal 243c 111f 170p

WT : 164.0

Felt very strong today, no clustering. Gonna resart the cycle now. Haven't lost any strength so hopefully haven't lost any muscle either.


Squat - 2x15x185
Incline bench - 3x8,6,8x165
Chinup - 3x5,4,5x30, 1x6xBW
Upright row - 3x5x70, 1x10x30


2,872cal 320c 107f 159p

WT :

Working out of the home gym at my mom's. For squats, had to clean the weight, give it to my brother, and then he put it on my back. For bench he just deadlift/ upright rowed it to me. For chins I used a 1x4 positioned horizontally on the cieling, on the second set the weight fell out from between my feet (usually I have a belt to hang it from). Grip was killing me so couldn't make it to 10 for BW.


Squat -2x5x245
Incline - 3x5x185, 1x10x150
Chinup - 3x5x30, 1x10xBW
Upright Row - 3x5x45, 1x10x30


2,607cal 272c 95f 170p

WT :