Waiting for the power rack


New Member
In the 6 months since I've gotten back in to weight training I have never had to wait to use the power rack at either of the 2 gyms I use. Today was the 1st time. And what was the pretty boy doing in the power rack? CURLS!!!!!!
This is kind of a standing joke on one of the other forums, and I always took it to be an exaggeration. But today I witnessed it with my own eyes. However, I have to admit that he had better biceps than I. But that's all he had - biceps. No triceps, no chest. Just hope he doesn't start coming regularly at the same time I'm working out.

What kind of frustrating things do you run into at the gym?
When my 8 year old son comes down to the basement while I'm in the middle of a set of squats and starts flapping his yap (once he starts he won't shut up!  

Other than that I'm like Quadancer....no one there but me!  
I really admire you guys who workout at home. That takes a lot more self-discipline than most people realize.
The day I lost my weigths on the hope that I use to put 40 kg around my waist for dips, and the instructor on the gym say that here(in Brazil) we dont have the culture to use heavy weigths on chins and dips, that chins and dips are only asessory mov, that must be made for higer reps!!
The day that I asked about forearm size and he say that is just genetics, you can only define, cut the forearm.
People who stand around the machines and talk. Nowadays I just walk over and ask if I can work a set in. People, at least in the south, will become apologetic and let me get to work. One time I noticed a guy who would wait for me to finish deadlifts before he would do his pulldowns. Why? Because I was between the pulldown station and the mirror. When he did the pulldowns he would stare at himself. Now that I think about it the leg pad was against his back. He actually waited for me to get out of the way then sat down backwards on a pulldown station to watch himself lift. Amazing.

The curling guy could have just been looking for some space. I don't think he'll be back often. Most people just show up to gyms when they feel like it.

When I worked out at home I always disliked it when people wanted to work out with me. It slows me down and drags out the workout. I never was into partner training. I had to get used to working out in gyms. All of the activity is distracting and you're always dealing with people asking if you're using that, if they can get a spot, or making sure you don't back into somebody else. Not to mention having to track down the plates you need. A guy I know got a membership at my gym for himself and his wife. They both need to exercise if they don't want to die from morbid obesity and I'm enthusiastic for them but really, I don't wanna run into someone I know. Nowadays I move through the gym like I'm the only one there. The people are just fixtures to work around.

When I started using gyms I had to motivate myself a bit extra to workout. Its very convenient to have the gym right in your home. There's no need to drive there and back or find a way to integrate your workout with errands. On the flip side it can be tempting to put the weight down and go back to your couch, computer, etc. when your motivation is waning. Once you arrive at the gym there's nothing to do but lift.
At home I'm pumped full of glutamine, aminos, and carbs; maybe a thermo...and I don't want to waste that. Once in there, I'm gonna stay.
I made the mistake of being friendly, a spotter, nicey nice guy when I joined our local...to my dismay, as people were constantly talking to me, asking questions and being nice to me. I began to envy the guys who put on the earphones and Ipod and ignore everyone. People leave them alone for the most part.

I do however, miss seeing the 6 foot, 145 lb. guy doing double bicep poses in front of the mirrors...and trying hard not to piss myself
...I think he's the curl rack guy.
I bought my equipment specifically so I wouldn't have to go back to a gym when I started lifting again after many years off. If I had to deal with all the inconsiderate people that are in most gyms I wouldn't work out at all. I hate gyms and have no plans to ever go to one again.
The problem I have in my YMCA is with all the "knowledgeable" instructors who explain to me that Max-Stim doesn't work: "Doing singles is no way to increase either size or strength".

They are all bigger than I am, but not one of them can deadlift as much as I...