Weather Report


Active Member
It's the first of the month and I was doing my body fat percentage calculations today. You know: taking skinfold measurements and plugging them into the computer program. I got some interesting results. Of course, I may have been mistaken, but I took three or four skinfold measurements at each site, and entered the average into the calculator.

Anyhow, it looks as though I may have made it down to 10% body fat...!

In fact, even if I add as much as 2mm to each of the 3 site figures, I still come up with less than 11%. At the end of this month I'm going in for a 7-site measurement that may tell a different story, but tentatively it looks as though I have finally reached a goal that I set out last autumn! If such is the case, I can end this interminable cutting diet and get back to some practical hypertrophy.
Very cool.

And imagine, if you've been experiencing the strength gains you've achieved so far while dropping bodyfat, what sort of strength gains might you achieve when eating a little more?
Wow, that's really cool. One day I'll get there, too. But before that, I'll have to worry about getting from plain fat to plain chubby. In numbers, that would mean to get from currently 17% body fat to 15%.
(XFatMan @ Mar. 02 2008,04:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Wow, that's really cool. One day I'll get there, too. But before that, I'll have to worry about getting from plain fat to plain chubby. In numbers, that would mean to get from currently 17% body fat to 15%.</div>
To be fair, I first started this most recent attempt to lose weight a year and a half ago. It took a lot of time to put it on; it takes a lot of time to take it off.

I weighed 147 lbs then; I weigh 129 now. No doubt that seems very light to you big guys, but you have to consider that I only stand 5 feet two inches tall. My body fat percentage was right at 20%.

It was that last 5% that has taken so long to deal with. Fortunately, I think you'll find that you'll look significantly less chubby once you get down to 15%.

Now, of course, the trick is going to be keeping my body fat percentage low while I attempt to put on some beef.
Sounds excellent TR! What does the mirror say? Do you have a four pack? That's the customary point where 10% body fat is accepted. Either way, as long as you are becoming leaner than ever!
(colby2152 @ Mar. 03 2008,09:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sounds excellent TR! What does the mirror say? Do you have a four pack? That's the customary point where 10% body fat is accepted. Either way, as long as you are becoming leaner than ever!</div>
I've lost 5 1/2 inches off my waistline (measured around the navel) in the past 18 months. I still have a bunch of loose skin that doesn't seem to want to go away any time soon.

As a result, my tummy isn't sharply cut like all the guys in the magazines (think: Brad Pitt in Fight Club...). However, there are very clear shadow outlines of the muscles on my abs.