Thanks for the suggestion. However If I went by the one hour rule...then I could prob do way more sets than I am currently doing.
That seems to be my problem...I have very conditioned or in shape endurance wise.
I can do 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 sets and recover fine the next workout.
How can I do this and everyone else can't???......( well hence my post about I know I am not superman
What I mean is I am not different than anyone esle...so if everyone esle can't recover as fast as me then this leads me to believe two things after analyzing my situation.
1) I maybe be more conditioned that the average HST'er. (This is possible)
2) everyone else is using higher loads more effective which is causing them more fatigue and limiting there sets. (This is what I think is happening.)
Long story short I think I have been to focused on volume, injury to make sure I am using a heavy enough load.
I don't know for sure but I am going to run a 8 week cycle to find out!
Since I am not to concerned with growth right now....I am going to be anal and just do a deload week.
I am doing 1 set of 15 reps this week nice and slow.
Next week I am going to start with 2 sets of 10 reps for Bench, Rows, Shoulder press, leg press.
I am not going to concern myself with progressive load on the arms...I am just going to do a metabloic set for them.
However I am going to make sure the load goes up every workout if possilbe if its only by 2 pounds....(its got to go up
If I do this on the other core lifts this should tell me something.
Along with proper diet...and excess calories this time around it will be cool to see the results.
If It works as plan...and most likely it will. I will do a full 14 day SD and start with a True HST style plan for nothing but growth!
Thanks for you advice!