(Joe.Muscle @ Aug. 09 2006,09:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well guys...just gave my notice today at my current job.
I will be going after a dream of mine and becoming Self Employed in the Financial Services industry.
Wish me the best.</div>
Good luck & I wish the very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went out on my own in 1992 with my first company & have never looked back & never regreted it in anyway. I have post this before, but I then sold the first one (1995) to start a manufacturing company, which I sold in Jan 2005 & now am bascially retired at age 44 (6 mos left in consulting contract).
Initially its scary to make the leap, but what I tell people is, if you don't try, you'll never know. When it does work out, its so very worth it.
Again, best wishes...go get em' tiger
Now, go set the world on fire!!!
Now I worry about my HSt program & if I like the Lambo Gallardo enough to get one