What would you suggest I do if I wanted to do a split routine?


New Member
These are the exercises I currently do

flat bench
incline bench
weighted pullups
weighted chinups
bent over rows
military press
barbell curls
dumbell curls

then machine stuff:
tri extension
seated rows
overhead pulls with a pulley.

I was thinking
Monday, Wednesday, Friday-chest, tri's, traps( Flat/Incline bench, Military Press, Tricep Extensions, Shrugs)

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday- back, bi's, shoulders(Pullups/Chinups, Bent Over Row, Seated Rows, Dumbbell Curls, Barbell Curls, Overhead pull)

What say you? Cause I say hooah!
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I would split into Upper-Lower body, but you don't do anything for the lower body.

I certainly wouldn't split like that though. Keep your push-pull exercises on the same day. Additionally, there's no need for seated AND BB rows, they use exactly the same muscles. In general you're using too many isolation exercises, to be frank. Muscles get built with big, heavy, compound exercises and not via multiple sets of bicep curls. Yeh, they help a little, but moving 100-150kg's of weight doing a chin/pull up is loading far more tension than doing 20kg in a curl. Military Press is probably unnecessary if your chest exercises are presses and not dips, but they're great for form and tend to aid 'explosiveness', so may as well keep them.

If you want to workout 6days per week, do this:


2x Incline
2x Chins/Pulls
1x Curls
1x Shrugs


2x Bench
2x BB Row
1x Military Press
1x Triceps isolation
what exactly is wrong with how i planned on splitting it?

i dont follow hst with the pulley lifts. i just pick a weight i can do around 10-15 reps with.

Push/pull is pretty much how it would be with my above suggested routine... minus an exercise or two...
Dude, you in HST forum asking about splits like in muscle mags? U my friend apparently didnt get the info. Why cant u follow it as it is? You wont get bigger doing it your way because you focus on the explicit and not the science which is implicit. I defend cuz I understood the research and I want to keep this forum pure. Lets not confuse the newbies.

Splits are for roid users. HST is full body 3x a week. Users can also use HST and gains would be phenomenal...I know ... personally.
what exactly is wrong with how i planned on splitting it?

i dont follow hst with the pulley lifts. i just pick a weight i can do around 10-15 reps with.

Push/pull is pretty much how it would be with my above suggested routine... minus an exercise or two...

I'm not sure what you mean by 'pulley lifts'.

Push/pull is not ideal for a split. It's feasible, sure, just not ideal. It impacts your joints more than a traditional program or U-L split will and also creates a certifiable mess if you start missing workouts here and there.

I'm not sure what the relevance of this comment is:

i just pick a weight i can do around 10-15 reps with

Essentially you are either here to do HST, or you aren't.
Are you two trolling?

HST isn't a set thing... its just principles/guidelines.

You must be new to this...

you're making it seem as if i cant progressively increase the weights as i would with a vanilla format
No, I'm not trolling, and I have been using HST for ~8yrs.

Of course you can progressively increase weights with your proposed routine. And yes, HST IS a set of principles. One of those principles is the prominence of compound movements/exercises in a routine. Another is not over-training any given group of muscles, which includes not doing multiple exercises per workout for each bodypart.

Nothing regarding knowledge/lack of knowledge of HST makes this sentence any easier to understand:

i dont follow hst with the pulley lifts. i just pick a weight i can do around 10-15 reps with.

I also can't find anywhere in my previous posts that said what I was proposing was not in accordance with HST. I advised against your Push/Pull split for the reasons I listed, of course you are welcome to disregard the advice. I'm merely responding to your inquiry.
well i've been using these exercises for forever while doing HST... and you can see ive progressed rather nicely if you check out my old logs in the log section.

As for the quote; Machine weights use a pulley system.
Typically you'd do triceps, chest and delts together since most chest movements hit shoulders anyway. Then back, biceps and traps... since traps are part of the back and most back exercises hit the upper traps.

I'd urge you to at least include deads on back day. For back day, I'd do something more like Deadlift (or at the very least, Rack pulls), Weighted Pullups, BB Shrugs, BB Curl. If you want to do high rep stuff with the machines, I'd only do that a couple times a week since you are working out almost every single day, in order to keep the volume in check. The other day, something like Bench or weighted Dips, CGBP or Skullcrushers, Military Press.

Have you looked at Russ' 10x3 program he posted a while back? Something like that would probably suit you and I think would be a lot more effective than your proposed split.
10 sets of 3 reps?

I'll check it out when I get back from the gym. I'm gonna do one cycle of what I wanted to do using the body split you advised.

I'm trying to lower my time spent in the gym per workout
In your case I would do this

Incline Bench
Front Raise

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Military Press
Chin ups

This way you would be hitting every body part and the stress will follow on eg. Your triceps will be worked by bench and by military press. You can add bicep curl if you want but all I do with my biceps are chin up. You could even take out front raises because Incline bench will still hit shoulders. Deadlift will hit your traps,also you wont be so tired from your previous workout. Hope this helps.