Whats the best supplement to take for general weight training?


New Member
i work out nearly everyday and would like to take supplements. any reccomendations on good products. doesnt have to be huge weight gain. all suggestions welcome!
The only supplement that amounts to a hill of beans is creatine. It works, and it would seem to have relatively few unpleasant side effects.
I have never seen any benefits with creitine myself. Though I know it works for a lot of people. In fact the last time I tried creatine, if gave me stomach problems (similar to no-explode).

I use Whey protein and glutamine everyday – along with a multi vitamin, Vitamin C, D, and fish oil. On training days I add extra BCAA’s, A-AKG, Beta Alanine, citrulline malate, and carb powder to my pre and post shakes.