What's the point?


New Member
I figured that catchy title might raise some eyebrows! LOL

Basically, what I mean by "what's the point" is, what's the point in me posting or asking questions when a) everything I want to ask has been answered or b) anything I have thought of posting or adding to a topic has already been said. Maybe if there was a button for +1 for a topic/answer or something like that, then maybe I would be okay? Probably.

Anyway, about to start my first (real) HST cycle. The first time I did it, two years ago, I didn't add weight each workout, but worked out with the max poundage each cycle. It worked out tremendously well for me--at least in comparison to any other program, but probably not in comparison to an actual HST--and by the end of each week, I definitely was stronger and was able to get both sets for prescribed rep ranges. This time, due to me actually, thoroughly reading-up, I will approach HST according to protocol.

Thanks for and to all the experts holding down the fort and providing a school where a person like me never even has to raise his hand.


p.s. My wife just had our first baby (9 days ago) so my gym membership has been cancelled and I am doing HST from a pretty sufficient home gym (not "home gym" machine). HST is just about the only viable workout system for this new stay-at-home dad.
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Congrats on the baby. I've got a two month old at home myself. Good luck getting the workouts in.
Congrats, I have 3 month old at home, I started squeezing my workouts in early before work, because life is so busy with young kids.

Good luck.
Congrats on the baby. I've got a two month old at home myself. Good luck getting the workouts in.

Thanks a bundle, or maybe I should thank my wife for the bundle. LOL

Yeah, there are some things that I will have to modify (e.g., hip belt squats as opposed to barbell back squats, bilateral dumbbell RDLs as opposed to bb RDL--right now I am on carpet and don't have an adequate platform with which to deadlift) until I get my squat rack and make the move from my back room to the garage.

Other than those minor, though not insignificant hiccups, I will approach with what I can and train as smart as possible.

I got an absolutely fantastic oly bench (a Wate Man bench--an out-of-business fitness equipment company from my home state) that has dip capabilities, incline from 30 degrees to 90, all the dumbells I currently need (10-70 lbs in 10 lb increments), recently purchased Plate Mates (2 sets of 2.5 lbs totaling 5 lbs max added per DB) that will allow for microloading, an Ironmind Hip Belt for squats/weighted dips and pull/chins, a pull/chin up bar (door version), and a janky but effective Roman Chair for parallel-extensions (don't like using the term "hyper-extension" as I WON'T be hyper-extending anything! haha) Aside from a few bands for tweaking this or that, and an ez bar for french pressing, I think I can have myself an effective, albeit not perfect, HST cycle.

I am still developing my exercise plan but as soon as I have that then I will establish my rep maxes on (a) M/W/F and then do my SD. I will take before and after pics, but I will not be too concerned to start out obsessing about the finer details of the plan and progress. My first and most important goal is to find out what works most effectively for me; then I will start (probably by my second or third cycle) with what will be the more detailed assessment of my progress.

Wish me luck.

p.s. Thanks Sci! I, too, will be working out in the morning before my wife goes to work. I am a full-time artist, so I work when I do.

p.p.s Man, Babies abound! Nice.
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As long as you can progress with the lifts, they will work. It may not be optimal, but it will work.

For what it is worth, word on the street is that someone might be writing an unofficial HST ebook so maybe that will help with the dilemma that many face where they do not fully understand how to setup an HST cycle at first. It can be someone cryptic at first.
As long as you can progress with the lifts, they will work. It may not be optimal, but it will work.

For what it is worth, word on the street is that someone might be writing an unofficial HST ebook so maybe that will help with the dilemma that many face where they do not fully understand how to setup an HST cycle at first. It can be someone cryptic at first.

Yeah, it would be nice to have all of the info contained within one place as opposed to having to piece it together, but as of now I got what I need (as far as the info). By the time I will have the necessary equipment for my full back squats and the necessary space and flooring for my deads, I would love to be reading an HST ebook to see how I can optimize the program.

HST principles are rather easy to comprehend as long as one is able to do-away with preconceived notions of what a workout program should be. 7-9 days off? What! No going to failure every set? No way! hahahaha.
As long as you can progress with the lifts, they will work. It may not be optimal, but it will work.

For what it is worth, word on the street is that someone might be writing an unofficial HST ebook so maybe that will help with the dilemma that many face where they do not fully understand how to setup an HST cycle at first. It can be someone cryptic at first.

I have HST ebooks sitting pretty as it is ... ? Who is writing the 3rd?
I have HST ebooks sitting pretty as it is ... ? Who is writing the 3rd?

Thanks for writing that, I just found one by Bryan--I imagine that is one? I didn't even know it was out there. Once again, there is so much info already present I frequently pat myself on the back for choosing wisely.
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Something to be said for each of the eBooks is that, in my opinion at least, the structure and prose is not particularly helpful. The content is fantastic, but much of it is a direct copy from forum posts and merely formatted to remove the user who posted etc.

I think it could certainly be re-written in a more user friendly manner.


This is the 2nd eBook.

Thanks for the links. I have read many of your posts--and the others who posted in my lil' thread--and I appreciate you for taking the time to respond. One day soon I will surely have something of relevance, I think, to ask--though, it's probably already been answered. ;)
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I have HST ebooks sitting pretty as it is ... ? Who is writing the 3rd?

Yeah, those aren't really that great so hopefully this new one is better.
I don't know who is writing it yet. But apparently it is more than just copy and pasting posts from the forums. Maybe.
The "point" is generally considered a sharp or tapered end but there are also a myriad of other pointless definitions.

Hi Faz. I took a couple years off from posting to let some younger blood refreshen the group. Still working out HST style though. :cool:
Hi Faz. I took a couple years off from posting to let some younger blood refreshen the group. Still working out HST style though. :cool:

A couple years off? Sheesh! Maybe I should look at the dates on posts 'cause as far as I knew, your last post was, well it was, yesterday! LOL
Hi Faz. I took a couple years off from posting to let some younger blood refreshen the group. Still working out HST style though. :cool:

tot still here and fausto pops in now and then shame none of the others like dan moore etc dont still post.
What ever happened to Bryan's HST book? I was really looking forward to that...a few years ago. Did he kill it?

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I haven't seen or heard anything about it.

I'm assuming that Bryan isn't rich and probably has a job, which understandably makes it difficult to write a book. So I've basically given up on it. I've toyed with the idea of throwing together an unofficial book myself just to fill the niche since there isn't anything out there right now except two pretty poor pdf files but I have commitment issues.