What's your HST rep scheme for cutting?


So I'm approaching my first cut, and would love to see some examples of what you guys are using for weekly rep schemes.

I know it's best to lift heavy, but I'm also thinking it's good to have some meta workouts every week too.

If anyone wouldn't mind sharing, I'll hand out what reps I've got. :o
Currently I am doing a daily undulating progression program while cutting that is based off the "Texas method" popularized by Pendlay and Rippetoe.
Each week, I do a "volume day" where I do 5x5 or 3x8 or some variation of around 25 total reps using 85% of my 5RM. Then I do a "heavy day@ where I go for a new 5RM PR.
I have actually gained a little muscle while losing some fat in the past several weeks using this program. Also, I have made multiple personal strength records.
The original Texas method also has a "light day" of low volume using only 70% or so of your 5RM for recovery between the volume day and the heavy day, but since my job is very physical, almost every day is as intense as a "light day" of lifting, so I personally skip those workouts now.

You can check my log for real world examples.
I keep HST the same. I started my cut with 8RM for only a week and then moved on to 5RM for 2 week block and maintained the 5RM for 2 more weeks. I went from 42" waist to 37" in 6 weeks. Using fat burners, good diet and Intermittent Fasting. I have a log here.
Just do 2 weeks of 10´s and 2 weeks of 5´s. Skip SD. Start over again on the 10´s and just repeat until the desired level of leanness is reached.
Just do 2 weeks of 10´s and 2 weeks of 5´s. Skip SD. Start over again on the 10´s and just repeat until the desired level of leanness is reached.

Why do you say to do that exactly? Just wondering. :)

I do want to add 15s in the mix too, since I plan on lifting heavy for a long time.
Here is what I was planning for a rep scheme:

Mon. 3x5

Wed. 2x10

Fri. 2x5, 1x15

Adding weight each session.
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I would say that 15 reps for one set per week is a damn good idea especially considering your long term goal.
Im not saying you should skip 15´s completely as long as youre doing heavy work each day during the cut! The way you plan on doing where you are undulating the loads is incorporating heavy work each day. Doing 15´s each day for two weeks, without heavier work, probably isnt the best way to train while cutting. Thats what I meant.
Im not saying you should skip 15´s completely as long as youre doing heavy work each day during the cut! The way you plan on doing where you are undulating the loads is incorporating heavy work each day. Doing 15´s each day for two weeks, without heavier work, probably isnt the best way to train while cutting. Thats what I meant.

Ok gotcha thanks for your input :)
Copy that. I did 15's today and will go back to 8's on Wednesday. I will work back up to 5's. I got a log here.
When I get to 5's I will do a last set of 15's if my shoulders start feeling beat up.
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Why wait until your shoulders feel beat up? That means damage is already done.

Similarly, if you wait until you are thirsty to drink, your organs have already been put under stress due to dehydration.

Prevention is always better than a cure.
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For my $$, I've never found higher rep work to be better than higher load work for joint strength and stability. I think the problems occur when people use poor form and/or too high a load. Frankly, training at 15's load doesn't prehab a joint for training at 5s load, at least not in my experience. Doing the high-rep work post high-load work is about as far as I would go.

Just my take, I know many people on here feel differently.
Its natural to drink when thirsty. Never seen an animal drink water for prevention. Anyways...Im good. Thanks for the advice.
For my $$, I've never found higher rep work to be better than higher load work for joint strength and stability. I think the problems occur when people use poor form and/or too high a load. Frankly, training at 15's load doesn't prehab a joint for training at 5s load, at least not in my experience. Doing the high-rep work post high-load work is about as far as I would go.

Just my take, I know many people on here feel differently.

Alex, dig me up in 40 years and let me know how your joints feel. :cool:

I guess in about 15 minutes it will be the beginning of a new year down under. Happy New Year Mate! :D
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