Which Multi-Vitamin?


New Member
I know lots of people believe in the power of Animal Paks, but 11 tabs?!?!?

Is it really worth it? Too much on the liver in my opinion.

What do u guys think? Need to buy some new vitamins and creatine too!
Id be interested to know if most HST/ Max-Stim folks take a multi-vitamin at all. In Bryans 'eating for size' article he stated you should be getting all your vitamins and minerals from food and I havnt heard Dan mention taking one either. Animal Paks are wild, who needs 10 grammes of Vitamin C every day!
Uh, the argument is still not settled as to wether or not we really need hypercompensation as BB'ers as far as I know. Most sites seem to recommend it, which would eliminate the use of grocery store vitamins, which are usually 100% RDA - the amount it takes to just keep you out of having a deficiency and getting a deficiency disease, like scurvy or rickets. So we choke down horse pills the size of palmetto bugs with nearly dangerous amounts of E and A.
I personally have never seen a vitamin make me FEEL better, nor notice any increases in strength or size from them, or loss of anything when I stop taking them. But I can't be sure they don't have some preventative capacities. And I don't even see scurvy amongst the homeless people we minister to, and they eat like crap when they eat at all.
The RDA has a very comfortable amount of padding figured into it, so even just getting the RDA you are already getting a lot more than the body will probably need.