Hi everyone,
I don't know about everyone else but as far as my abs go I'm looking for definition and tone rather than size...with that in mind is it really necessary to do exercises such as crunches where the abs actually contract or are isometric exercises of equal or greater value?
I try and tighten my abs for all exercises to create a greater neural drive and maintain good posture...then after my weights I do various crunches.
However I'm now thinking of doing exercises such as a straight leg raise just a few inches up and holding and another position where you lie on your front and then put all your weight on your elbows and toes whilst using your abs to maintain your body's position (I think this might come from yoga but saw it in an exercise mag somewhere).
Basically I want a flat defined stomach (don't we all) and am wondering whether this would be a more effective way to achieve that goal rather than other exercises to contract the muscles. Or possibly whether tightening the abs for all exercises will be enough and therefore mean no specific ab work
Opinions appreciated! Although please don't mention diet, I know how important that is but I'm focusing on the exercise part of good abs for the sake of this post!
I don't know about everyone else but as far as my abs go I'm looking for definition and tone rather than size...with that in mind is it really necessary to do exercises such as crunches where the abs actually contract or are isometric exercises of equal or greater value?
I try and tighten my abs for all exercises to create a greater neural drive and maintain good posture...then after my weights I do various crunches.
However I'm now thinking of doing exercises such as a straight leg raise just a few inches up and holding and another position where you lie on your front and then put all your weight on your elbows and toes whilst using your abs to maintain your body's position (I think this might come from yoga but saw it in an exercise mag somewhere).
Basically I want a flat defined stomach (don't we all) and am wondering whether this would be a more effective way to achieve that goal rather than other exercises to contract the muscles. Or possibly whether tightening the abs for all exercises will be enough and therefore mean no specific ab work

Opinions appreciated! Although please don't mention diet, I know how important that is but I'm focusing on the exercise part of good abs for the sake of this post!