
Waste of time. . . .

And money!

Here’s a “pre-exhaust” system that works.




This includes info on Stretch Point Exercises should you want to try them.


There’s so much free info on the internet just no point in paying for it.
I'm not aware of any evidence that a full range of motion is necessary for hypertrophy, so techniques that use partials may have their place. I don't think there is anything magical about them though. Using heavier weight for just part of the rep range is only beneficial if you can make progress to even heavier weight. If you use partials with the basic HST principles you should be fine. If you expect bouncing in the stretch positioned to get you suddenly swole you will probably be disappointed. :-)
Waste of time, just like J-reps.

Coleman and Cutler seem to be doing that kind of reps. I was wondering maybe there is a rationale behind.

Usually I train in clusters ( 4 reps with the ~ 10RM). Yesterday I tried to add X-reps between the reps ( 4 normal reps + 4 X-repsp per set ) and I seem to have more doms today.
I tried them for awhile, but just seemed to add to doms and no noticable hypertrophy. Coleman and Cutler are a little more advanced than me (LOL) Just another endless way to extend a set i guess. I think your method of training in clusters is way more beneficial, Cutler also does this :)
See the problem is that Coleman and Cutler probably don't train the same way in front of cameras as they do when they are seriously training.

Also, extra doms doesn't necessarily mean much.
I just found this article. Staley says that soreness is caused by hydroxyproline:

Hydroxyproline is apparently an indicator of protein synthesis:

Hydroxyproline is produced by hydroxylation of the amino acid proline by the enzyme prolyl hydroxylase following protein synthesis (as a post-translational modification).

If this is correct, soreness would be rather a good sign.

Question is.. does the hydroxyproline disappear immediately after protein synthesis is finished or does does it stay around for some time?
Regarding effective and appropriate range of motion and what exercises to do read "Moment Arm Exercise" by Bill de Simone. He has a new book out too "Congruent Exercise". All his work is based directly from study of biomechanics and anatomy text books (Grey's et al). After learning what Bill has presented, you will never look at an exercise the same way again.