Recent content by Stefan

  1. S

    How about increasing weight once a week?

    Would HST work if I increased the weight every week and used only 6 and 12 reps? It would look something like this: I'd train mon, wen, fri. week 1: 12 reps week 2: 12 reps + 5 kg week 3: 12 reps + 10 kg (which would be max) week 4: 6 reps week 5: 6 reps + 5 kg week 6: 6 reps + 10 (max) week...
  2. S

    Ok to train two days in a row?

    I usually train monday, wednesday, friday but my gym isn't open on fridays so I'm wondering if it's alright to train on, say, monday, wednesday and thursday? (I obviously do full body workouts)
  3. S

    How should I start?

    I haven't been able to train for about three months and I was just wondering if I should find my RM's during the first workout or take it easy for a few weeks?
  4. S

    Do I have a hormonal deficiency?

    The problem is that the doctor doesn't seem to know what he's talking about since he considered that level as normal. The solution would probably be, as you said, a private clinic. Anyway, the reason I took this test was because of my suspicion that I have some kind of hormonal deficiency: I...
  5. S

    Do I have a hormonal deficiency?

    I was at the doctors recently and got to see a couple of test results. One of them was Testosteron-S which was 3.1 nmol/L which, according to my doctor, was normal. However, after doing some research I found out that the lower limit for what is considered normal was 10 nmol/L. My cortisol level...
  6. S

    Preparations for a morning workout

    Does this mean that an effective pre and post-workout drink essentially consists of a glass of milk?
  7. S

    Preparations for a morning workout

    Is there anything in particular I need to do when working out before breakfast? Will a couple of glasses of water be enough?
  8. S

    What drugs to use

    Since I don't gain muscle whatever I do (I only gain fat), I'm wondering what kind of drugs I should use. I'm not intersted in injections, so my question is: are there any pills or similar that I could use effectively?
  9. S


    I've got a few questions about refeeding. 1. How often should i refeed? 2. What should I eat during that period? 3. How much (in caloreis) should I eat?
  10. S

    Cycling protein intake

    I've heard that benefits may be reaped by cycling your protein intake, thus eating lots of protein one day, and almost none the next. Is this good in any way?
  11. S

    How much fat after training?

    I've heard recommendations of how many carbohydrates and how much protein you should get after training, but I haven't heard anything about how much fat. Does anyone know?
  12. S

    Eating in the evening

    But is there anything in particular you should eat before going to bed, like an extra dose of carbs, protein etc?
  13. S

    Eating in the evening

    I have heard that the food you eat just before going to bed will easily be stored as body fat, but I have also heard that eating carbohydrates before going to bed will facilitate muscle growth. Is any of this true?