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  1. B

    male enhancement herbs

    insignificant. you'd be much better off just getting some more food.
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    my new higher frequency program

    well theoretically, probably, because of the diminishing returns of subsequent sets, etc. but from a practical standpoint, it's probably inconsequential.
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    Muscle Hypertrophy

    for any newbies around, Dan is correct. We had a 30+ page argument with Vince saying the same thing over and over again and everyone else showing him why he was wrong/telling him to shut up. Looks like he wants to do it again. Go ahead Vince, tell us about maximal hypertrophy in bodybuilders...
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    Growth Plate Fusion

    sounds like a steroid question in disguise. it varies tremendously, but at 20 it is fairly likely you are still growing/maturing.
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    well it might... I know EPA has a favorable effect on partitioning. Don't EPA and DHA help mobilize fat, or something along those lines?
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    Muscle Hypertrophy

    once again Vince, nothing new here from you. the thread was closed because Bryan, as patient as he is, is still too nice to tell you to go to hell, so he closed the threads and prayed that you'd just crawl away.
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    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    replacing amino acids lost from muscle due to increased protein breakdown. think of it as being anti catabolic. obviously they are not all burned for energy, as you can see in the example in my last post.
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    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    in that case, if we are dieting, no need to eat protein, because it will all get burned for energy.
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    hey give me a break, the rest was factually flawless and grammatically beautiful.
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    all this stuff has been posted 10000 times. EPA and DHA are technically not essential, since they can be formed from other fatty acids, ones that ARE essential. However, the conversion is extremely inefficent, so it is best to take an EPA/DHA supplement. The EFA's are alpha linoleic acid (an...
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    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    you think every amino acid gets oxidized for energy? When you exercise, there isn't this simple progression where first your body burns food, then glycogen, then finally fat. Energy comes from different sources. Having amino acids in the blood will help reduce protein breakdown during cardio.
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    hyperthetical question

    you don't need to use HST. just lift in the 6-8RM range once a week or so. Maintaining is shockingly more easy than progressing.
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    Muscle Hypertrophy

    the study of hypertrophy is miles down the list of research priorites, as it should be.
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    Squat Form

    Bryan Haycock would disagree. But what does he know about hypertrophy?
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    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    because having some amino acids around during cardio is a great idea, esp. if you want to reduce muscle loss.
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    just finished first HST ever.....

    he literally just answered that question in the first sentence of his post.
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    Squat Form

    not necessarily...according to what? and what if your focus is on quads? so you can do more weight with full squats than with squats to parallel? didn't think so subjective/arbitrary/irrelevant
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    Fat that are quickly absorbed

    just have some protein, if you have it immediately before the cardio, like less than 15 minutes before, you won't get much of an insulin response and you'll be all set.
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    HST Log

    by that logic, he would have no need to even go to the doctor for an annual checkup.
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    Squat Form

    flaring the feet out isn't the important part, although is it fine to have the toes point out a bit, it helps some people keep the knees from coming in. you're going to need to start very light and work on flexibility. get used to sitting BACK, like you are sitting down on the toilet