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  1. jvroig

    Another Dead WWE Wrestler

    To guys like thehamma and Joe G, Ignorant comments? Blaming steriods is ignorant. Not believing scientific studies is ignorant. Sticking to old myths and beliefs (that have been proven to be misleading by science) is ignorant. Wow, so who's ignorant now? With the kind of logic you've shown, no...
  2. jvroig

    Training log

    Oh, joint pains. Well, doesn't change a lot really. Avoiding exercises that stress the joints is the key, which I understand is what you are doing already. Hehehe, sorry took so long to get in the forum again, work is a nightmare, deadlines rushing. Couldn't tell them to go to hell, they are...
  3. jvroig

    Another Dead WWE Wrestler

    No offense too, but I'm pretty sure it's not really the steriods itself that killed him. He could have taken loads of that and not died young. Like Arnold. But take that, plus the severe drinking and past drug abuse, and he pretty much put a sign on his butt saying "I dare you to kill me...
  4. jvroig

    Frist week of 15's down - I'm loving this!

    Oh, Fausto Fausto Fausto, so funny and yet so true. I remember an ancient post where someone said he was really skeptic about HST because of this and that, too much science (science evidently hurts his brain, no surprise there), and that he bet Arnold didn't know any real science at all but...
  5. jvroig

    Training log

    If your elbow still hurts from a really light weight, then I guess your injury is much worse than mine. I shy away from injuries the moment I feel it coming, I don't take that macho "through the pain" crap, I've been through it before and it sucked. Anyhoo, well,. if you don't want to...
  6. jvroig

    very first diet plan

    Cool, someone from the Philippines, HST is really catching on. Any other friends or people you know do HST? Anyhoo, you can stick to eating at your maintenance level. No need to eat less since you are lifting weights 5x a week. Actually, with that kind of activity, you can afford to eat...
  7. jvroig

    Training log

    Just a slight reduction in weight. 5 or 10 pounds may do it. Then, like I said, you could keep on that weight for a workout more or two, afterwards you'll probably feel it's so much easier and can now increment. Hopefully, you'll find that the weight that used to give you elbow pain is now...
  8. jvroig

    Creatine w/ amino acids smells weird?

    Yeah, I can relate a bit. I used to have this small bottle of BCAA capsules. I once opened a capsule, and the powder inside really smelled like you know what.   I can almost hear the marketing departments of amino acid supplements manufacturers: "Oh my god, this stinks!!!" "You...
  9. jvroig

    Training log

    Yo Fausto :) Dumbbell overhead extnsions won't work if you'll retain the same equivalent weight (I mean if you put the two dumbbells together and they still equal the EZ Bar weight). You'll just end up hurting the elbows one at a time :D Happens to me too. Simply reduce the weight. Sorry old...
  10. jvroig

    hsit training

    Hahaha, yo da man Fausto :D
  11. jvroig

    Did I blow my 1st HST cycle!

    Hey :) In the basic HST article, it says "1st week [of 10's and 5's] do 2 sets, then on the 2nd week do 1 set". Why? Simple. As the weights get heavier, you really can't expect yourself to be able to do the same amount of volume as a lighter weight. Understand that when Bryan set...
  12. jvroig

    Short Cycle or Not?

    Well, you know your bf%, so calculating your lean mass should be easy. 141 pounds at 11% bf means around 15.5 pounds is fat. 141 - 15.5 = 125.5 pounds of lean body mass. Previously, you were 128.5 at 7% bf, meaning around 8.995 is fat, let's just round it to 9. 128.5 - 9 = 119.5 pounds of lean...
  13. jvroig

    Proper wat to SD ?

    Hey 9to5 :) Not at all. Before I comment, another quote from your post, so we're all clear... Again, not at all. Clearly not the case. Otherwise, Vince is right - all we have to do is keep on working out till we get DOMS so we are sure we are growing. Your statements would also mean...
  14. jvroig

    Proper wat to SD ?

    But you are still measuring your "deconditioning" through DOMS, which is still wrong. I hardly get DOMS. Almost never. But I'm still growing constantly every week of my training. (On the average, 1/8 inch on my biceps and almost an entire inch on my chest, every week. It takes 3-4...
  15. jvroig


    Personally, making a "beginners" and "advanced" is a bad idea, especially if you go at it by "numbers of post". Face it, the number of posts you have is really no measurement of how much you know. I have a little over 500 posts, but I'm still as stupid as I was a...
  16. jvroig


    I guess tracking the e-books themselves may be a little hard. But, Colby also makes a good point - look at the first page of threads and there are a lot of stickies already. Do we really need another? (Maybe yes, maybe no, I myself don't know and frankly don't care about it very much, I only use...
  17. jvroig

    yet another 1st HST cycle

    It shouldn't be about "flys vs dips". Bench vs dips is more like it. If you are used to benching, and don't want to do dips, stick with benching. Not a problem. Why waste time on neural learning anyway if you aren't a dips fan. The flyes are more for adding a little more stretch or...
  18. jvroig

    You guys think this is enough??

    Looks good. Simple with few exercises, just the way I like it. Just keep plugging at it, mind your nutrition, and you are good to go.
  19. jvroig

    Proper wat to SD ?

    Depends on what you want to do, actually. A week is not a problem at all if you start off with the 15's. Sort of a deloading phase anyway, so that plus the week of unloading is ok. Another factor you should consider is how long and heavy the past cycle was. If just the standard 8-week cycle...
  20. jvroig

    Another Dead WWE Wrestler

    Yeah, the guy had gargantuan arms, it's crazy. Definitely used steriods. But whether that was a factor in his death is still being investigated. Probably not.