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  1. M

    Mojo Logging

    Hey all, some update here. I will be including a 30 day waterburry plp program as a morning routine as of tomorrow. I start with 1 rep for the exercises and add 1 rep every day. Mind you this program is done 7/7. Anyone tried this before? On top of that i ll keep training 5 days a week dup myo...
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    Best Cutting Strategy?

    Title basically says it all, what is the best cutting strategy? Is it better to go low carb/high fat or high carb/low fat? Or should you confuse your body and mix it up from one week to another or is that all plain BS? Further I think cutting at about a pound a week is good and that is what I...
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    Size And Conditioning

    U wot? Give me the dumb down version now pls. I work at around 100 bpm right now since being at around 110 bpm proved too hard on recovery. So it's really LISS
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    Mojo Logging

    Some update here. The summer didn't bring much good. Little training, too many holidays. weight was stable at 169 lbs yet I still lost size and gained some fat due to inactivity I guess. The plan is to do a cut for one cycle, so I can next bulk through the winter and right into the summer. I...
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    Size And Conditioning

    I recently included LISS into my training. After 40 minutes of weight training i do 20 minutes of LISS at 55% of my max heart rate. At what intensity are you guys performing LISS?
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    Mojo Logging

    Good to see this place is back online!
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    Mojo Logging

    Thx! I am healed, but I am weak as fuk! Came to think, my weights are down 25% from my previous maxes, still everything feels dead heavy where it should be rather light. I had to skip legs yesterday because they are completely destroyed from monday. All I did was 5 3 3 2 2 at 75% and one...
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    Mojo Logging

    Right now SD is done and I started cycle 3 of dup hst just yesterday. Despite all loads being -20% this was not easy. During the second week of SD I suffered some gut flu, making me lose 1,5kg in 2 days. Maybe this is the reason for my current weakness. Now mind you, in my case, this weight...
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    Mojo Logging

    Cycle 2 PR's Squat: 80kg Rack pull: 95kg Bench press: 46 kg
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    mickc1965 training log

    I just hate doing calf raises, are they really needed? I tried putting them in hst fashion but 5s really don't do anything no matter how heavy. So you just blast them with high reps all the time?
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    What Is The Best Bulk Cut Duration?

    Anything smaller then a 0,5 kg gain a week is hard to monitor. See I can lose up to 1,5 kg overnight on training days but as low as 0,5 kg on off days. So aiming for something small is not practical. I had the idea of being 85kg at the end of the year and it's hard to let go of that. People...
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    What Is The Best Bulk Cut Duration?

    it's hard not to panic at times and doubt whether you're doing things right. I'm gaining at a rate of 1 lbs or 0,5kg per week since one and a half cycle (three weeks left in the current one). I'm thinking now if this is still too fast and I should slow it down? Psychologically I feel 1lbs a week...
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    What Is The Best Bulk Cut Duration?

    is it like 2 hst bulk cycles followed by 1 cut cycle? Like gain 8 to 10 kg, next lose 4 to 5 and so on?
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    mickc1965 training log

    How this hrv work? You supposed to wear that strap 24/7?
  15. M

    Is It Possible To Grow Half An Inch On My Arms In A Good Cycle?

    Well I did, maybe even a bit more so. But I feel like I am a beginner and I added 9 pound of bodyweight too. For advanced trainees it probably won't happen.
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    mickc1965 training log

    I can't do skullcrushers either, for the same reason but triceps pushdowns are fine on me. Maybe that's an idea for you.
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    mickc1965 training log

    I always did direct arm work. Maybe you can do biceps and triceps on alternate days as I do to save time.
  18. M

    mickc1965 training log

    How do you feel about your side lateral raises for widening your shoulders?
  19. M

    Mojo Logging

    Okay, so here I am about halfway in my second cycle (will start week 4 tomorrow) of my hst dup myo routine and I've decided to make a few changes. Since my shoulders are really looking small and even my smallish arms start to overpower them I've decided to add lateral raises back in. So...
  20. M

    Mojo Logging

    Okay, I will stay on my position regarding soy and avoid it like the plague because of its trypsin inhibitor properties. I have switched to goat milk because that is A2 as well and should be easier but I do not see much difference at all. Still comparing with skim milk. Goat cottage cheese is...