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  1. T

    Source Of Protein

    Ah. I figured that would be the answer. Something along those lines, anyways. Thanks BoSox. Also, I do know that certain proteins aren't as bioavailable - your body won't uptake as much from some sources as it will others. Still, that's a moot point, since as long as you have sufficient meats...
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    brown vs white rice

    It sounds pretty contradictory to me, as well. I'd like to hear what someone has to say about that.
  3. T

    Source Of Protein

    Does the source of protein in one's diet really matter? If you had 130 grams of protein from steak, tuna, milk and whey, but another 50-60 from almonds, oats, ANPB and bread, would it still count? Now, I know it actually would count, but if such an amount (50-60 grams) let's say, is counted...
  4. T

    Eat every 2.5-3 hours

    Oh yes, the steady blood sugar level thing I've known about. Just gotta learn why it is the protein doesn't need to be intaken every three to four hours to stop one from going "catabolic". Thanks for that, though.
  5. T

    Eat every 2.5-3 hours

    I had figured as much, so instead of being an @$$ and posting something OTHER THAN THE ANSWER, either don't post, or give a link to a credible source, or at least put in your knowledge on the subject as to why it's been dispelled.
  6. T

    Eat every 2.5-3 hours

    A serving of almonds is an ounce. A cup is eight ounces. Not sure if anyone eats that much. I have two handfuls (2 oz.) a day. Also, oats have 5 grams of protein per 40g serving.
  7. T

    Eat every 2.5-3 hours

    I've heard this get passed around as ideal in order to grow. The main reason people throw out is that it will keep a positive nitrogen balance, and stop you from going catabolic. Is it true that you need to have protein every 3-4 hours at least? What if you had protein in one meal, then again...
  8. T

    how to get enough protein "practically"

    Steak ends up being cheaper than most of those...
  9. T

    how to get enough protein "practically"

    I'm a senior in highschool too. Since tenth grade I've been able to hit 300 grams in a day. I normally stick to around 220 or so, for no other reason than that's what it amounts to. My money situation is horrible. Parental finance = almost non-existant. No offense man, but suck it up. You're...
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    substitute for rice/tuna/chicken?

    Ah, I forgot albacore even exists. I never eat it. Chunk light all the way. I doubt you'd run into problems.
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    bulking diet...

    Using solid numbers is pretty difficult, because you'll never get it exact. There are too many variables. Honestly, Lance's suggestion is best. Try and get to the point where you see that scale move up 1 lb. weekly. Weigh in the AM, before eating. Be consistent. Track your progress.
  12. T

    Olive Oil for calories

    Buy a big jug at Costco. A serving ends up costing $.06 or something along those lines. Real cheap, lasts a long time. You shouldn't need to use olive oil if you're getting enough calories elsewhere. If you feel you must, though, then go ahead. Just make sure you don't go crazy and lose track...
  13. T

    substitute for rice/tuna/chicken?

    Do a search on the mercury issue. One can a day isn't going to hurt you.
  14. T

    Inclined bench press vs regular b press

    What would Brian Boitano do If he was here right now, He'd make a plan And he'd follow through, That's what Brian Boitano'd do. When Brian Boitano was in the olympics, Skating for the gold, He did two sow cows and a triple lutz, While wearing a blind fold. When Brian Boitano was in...
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    Dangerous Exercises

    What are some exercises that can have an adverse affect on the longevity of one's joints or rotator cuffs, even assuming the form is good? I've heard complaints pertaining to: Upright Rows Flat Bench Press Overhand Rowing Moves Good Mornings
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    increase of weight.

    Either do as O&G said, or double up. Use 95, 100, and 105 twice in a row. The general trend is still upwards, over time.
  17. T

    Inclined bench press vs regular b press

    I was just about to ask the same question as BoSox...again!
  18. T

    When To Start Bulking

    What's the general consensus here on the HST boards? What's the most bodyfat % someone should be packing when they begin bulking? What's probably the ideal level of bodyfat to be at before you begin stuffing your face with food again?
  19. T

    The Ultimate Diet v2.0

    I always hear about this book being revolutionary. I've heard of plenty of people having great results with it, which is awesome. However, abs tend to start showing around 9-11% bodyfat, roughly. I know, it depends on their size, your genetics, water retention etc. but in general, you can safely...
  20. T

    Inclined bench press vs regular b press

    What're you saying Jules, don't bother with rotator cuff exercises if you're not doing flat bench? I sure hope not, 'cause prehab exercises like that should always be incorporated, to strengthen any potential weak links before they become an issue.