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  1. T

    HIIT training with HST?

    Besides that, I'm sure you'll feel like ####, trying to sprint or lift heavy without fuel in the tank.
  2. T

    HIIT training with HST?

    I'd also like to know the answer to BoSox's question. If there is an unavoidable form of cardio, how should one compensate and prevent muscle loss?
  3. T

    Substitue for Cottage Cheese ?

    If it's only from skim and cottage cheese, then it can't be lactose intolerance, right? Also, I don't believe milk has a high GI at all. I recall it actually being pretty low. Though a lot of sugar is listed on the nutritional fact table, doesn't that all come from lactose, which happens to...
  4. T

    Brown rice seasoning?

    Mix it with one of the following: Hummus Horseradish Wasabi Worcestershire Sauce
  5. T

    Glossary of Uncommon Terms

    You have too much time... ...and that is awesome.
  6. T

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    And to quote my good friend Mr. Sox: "studies. That was an article. I could easily write an article about how protein is bad for your muscles and post it, and it wouldn't be true. Show me scientific proof." See, what you posted was an article, Aaron. Oh me, oh my.
  7. T

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    "You obviously havent done any homework in college or actually studied physiology, biochemistry or nutrition?" Was that supposed to be a question or statement? I'd think you should be asking 'how could you not gain fat in a negative energy enviroment?'. Your body would have no use...
  8. T

    conflicting information.

    The only reason I could see a person using one week of 15's would be to get to the heavier loads which tend to produce more growth. One week of the 15's (provided this isn't your first cycle) would be adequate. Though, if your incretments aren't too large (2.5-5 lbs.) due to lack of strength...
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    Interesting review

    What does that mean?
  10. T

    Interesting review

    Lance addresses my concerns perfectly! How many exceptions to rules are there, like with carbs? Protein? Even when the same amount of calories are intaken, excess protein rather than carbs seems to produce better gains.
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    Interesting review

    I said 0.5-1.0 lb./week. There is a range, and too many variables to keep it constant, whether you're on HST or another program. Case & point - I see HST working. I know it's a set of principles, and I even said such. At the same time, many follow the sample program here because it's easier...
  12. T

    Interesting review

    BoSox: 1) I don't know, nor care what would make it more special. All I know is, there's nothing fantastic about it. 2) I never said I thought muscle should be put on faster. Even half a pound a week would be good, but you didn't account for SD times. Two weeks between cycles, so you wouldn't...
  13. T

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    You said it was as simple as calories in vs. calories out. Never said anything about eating clean. Calories in vs. calories out would mean as long as you're eating less calories than you put out, you wouldn't gain weight. If maintenance is 2500, eat 2000 in oreos and crap food. You'll still gain...
  14. T

    Interesting review

    I doubt the science used with HST is flawless. Even if it were, the outlined program that follows the supposed principles of hypertrophy isn't all too special, from what I've seen. A lot of the bigger guys (no juicers or pros, just regular guys who lift and work hard) I've seen got their fine...
  15. T

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    BoSox: A) Go eat all your calories for a day in one or two meals, and tell me that it's the same as spreading it out across the day. Yeah, it really doesn't make a difference. B) Eat under maintenance calories, but eat all M&Ms. Or better yet, eat oreos with whole milk all day. Better...
  16. T

    Interesting review

    Research isn't everything, Aaron. Experience and results do play a part. Though, I'm not at all saying they have experience or results on their side. I just don't like when people hold science so highly that they make it supreme. It has its place, but sometimes science won't cover all bases, and...
  17. T

    No Bulking; No Cutting

    Wait Jules so, you agree or disagree with Berardi?
  18. T

    No Bulking; No Cutting

    There's so much science and so many experts sporting answers to that dilemma, and it's a dang seesaw battle. It's seriously irritating, because no one really has any concrete answer. In terms of hypertrophy, we've mainly figured out what causes it. Same with strength and neural adaptations...
  19. T

    No Bulking; No Cutting

    So really, there's not a large need for carbs? One could get by with just enough around training? Jules, how do you feel about using carbs for activity only? Is that probably a better choice for minimizing fat gained?
  20. T

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    Can we have a link to TP's Carb-Cycling diet, man? Those are some nice results. As for bulking/cutting - I'm starting to think that whole thing isn't worth it. Much better to make steadier gains in lean mass over a longer period of time. Definitely healthier for you, too.