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  1. T

    California Brown Aromatic Rice

    I plan on having 8-9 servings a day. That'll be 40-45 grams of fiber. Too much?
  2. T

    Decent foods

    So you have reasons to worry about fish and chicken. Just to keep things balanced, why don't we decide on reasons to avoid steak?
  3. T

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    The faster you want hypertrophy, the more calories above maintenance you must eat (within reason). Some, such as Old and Grey, get by fine using 250 above maintenance. It takes more time, but it's steady.
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    No Bulking; No Cutting

    O&G, that is simply amazing. I commend you on those results. You must be proud. So you use what formula to determine your maintenance? And you say you eat only 250 calories above that level? Does that change on training days, or do you maintain a constant level of calories? Why wouldn't...
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    California Brown Aromatic Rice

    Bought this at Trader Joe's for $1.49. Serving Size 1/4 Cup (46g) dry Servings Per Container about 20 Amount Per Serving Calories 150 Fat 1.5g Carbs 30g Dietary Fiber 5g Protein 3g Does this stuff sound good to you guys? It's dirt cheap, and it's at a health food store. Brown rice is always...
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    Health Essentials

    Is there any scientific backing to that, Jules? It sounds interesting, but kind've far-fetched.
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    No Bulking; No Cutting

    As I said, I understand what lean mass means. I just don't see it as being possible to add simply lean mass. Perhaps that's just been drilled into my head from those who choose to add fat while adding mass, but most science seems to say that without the aid of anabolics, it is very difficult and...
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    No Bulking; No Cutting

    I see more people today talking about how they don't really do 'bulk' and 'cut' cycles. Rather, they try to add lean mass all year round. First off, is this not healthier? It can't be too good for the body to be going in drastic cycles of bulking and cutting. Second, how does one go about...
  9. T

    Health Essentials

    Agreed, Biz.
  10. T

    Health Essentials

    Well maybe not necessary, but it certainly can't hurt. And besides, it's been shown to help retain memory, and prevent alzheimers.
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    Health Essentials

    Reading could possibly be added to the list, for those who don't read regularly. That, and possibly meditation to help relax one and give them the ability to focus. Just...
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    Health Essentials

    Bump for personal reference, and because I think it got a bit far off topic. Anyone else have anything else to add in terms of health and wellness? I realized that HST is probably one of the best programs for longevity, since it has you doing work to rehabilitate your joints and tendons, and it...
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    Boris Kleine's Diet

    He cycles his carbs when he bulks? If not, then what does he do for bulking?
  14. T

    Caloric Requirements for Strength Training

    Nah, not really. Especially if I throw in my sprints and bag work (which I have again in the past month). I need all those carbs anyway. Even without all that activity, high carbs never seem to put fat on me.
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    Eating For Size

    I think I'll be doing HST every other day. On the off days, some form of cardio. Every other off day will consist of HIIT, while the other off days will be moderate-distance running (for stamina) coupled with bag work or shadow-boxing. Training to get big on the upper body, and strong...
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    Caloric Requirements for Strength Training

    Not one (endomorphic). Not two (ectomorphic). You forgot the third class - mesomorphic. I fall right in the middle.
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    Eating For Size

    The Eating For Size article recommends roughly 100g simple carbohydrates be taken before and after (50g/50g, I guess) training. The 100g of carbs factor into daily caloric intake, however. What does one do on non-training days? I doubt they should take 100g dextrose or maltodex when they're not...
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    Bryan's Omega-3 Recommendation

    Bryan recommends 3-4 grams of Omega-3's (EPA+DHA) a day. I just want to clarify: does he mean 3-4 grams of each seperately, or combined? For example, this fish oil supplement I plan to buy... ...contains 850 mg EPA and 560 mg DHA...
  19. T

    Fat intake while bulking

    BoSox, it has nothing to do with hypertrophy. I don't see any of the proclaimed health benefits of any of the O3's, be it ALA, DHA or EPA, having any significant effect, if any at all! I think the stuff is a bit overrated, and Bryan's rating of 3-4 grams is a bit up there, and I see no...
  20. T

    Fat intake while bulking

    You say this, Aaron, yet Bryan says in his eating for size article, under the 'fats' section, that hydrogenated and saturated fats will cause greater fat gain even with less calories. I don't think that issue has been cleared up yet.