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  1. S

    Meat & Potatoes

    You’re the one that unbelievable. An average bodybuilder doing 30 minutes 3 X a week of exercises is in no way Highly Active individual and doesn’t need tons of additional protein or nutrients to add additional growth. You as a basketball player would need more that the average Bodybuilder who...
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    Lifespan, Caloric Intake, and Weight on the frame

    It is the excess protein that reduces your lifespan. And the “above excess” fat that will kill you faster . I don’t have a heart, just a pumping gizzard. ;)
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    Meat & Potatoes

    Counting Calories Chart . I made those statement Mr. Bosox and for you to dispute it doesn't prove me wrong . I'm a basketball player. If someone came up to me, told me I was shooting the wrong way and their shooting form was perfect...
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    Meat & Potatoes

    That’s crazy DKM . You don’t even know how much he is consuming . If the guy is only consuming a 2000 cals daily and you jack him up to 4000 (20X200=4000) assuming he is 200 lb’s. He can't help but to add fat. We first need to know his BMR then we can intelligently up his cals to a productive...
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    Meat & Potatoes

    Sorry Tom ………..I would never accuse you of being a BOSOCK’s I'm not even going to comment to you Bowsox . You haven't a clue as to what you are saying . I will not waste my time with you . But for the others ……………. Its been proven long ago by the FDA in their RDA as to the amounts need for the...
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    Meat & Potatoes

    Tom Said …… “Sonny, if that works for you, that is wonderful, but please don't confuse people by claiming that this is a fact. Because it isn't.” (You are really lost in all the hype Tom) I will beg to differ. I’ve been at this for 35 plus years and YES it’s the same for everyone as a starting...
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    Meat & Potatoes

    I posted a thread a while back titled “ To Be A Viking You Have To Eat Like One “ I got a lot of negative comments on it . However, I know that with my body type I can eat anything I want and have not problem. Then we have the NEW bodybuilder who have came along here lately and are under the...
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    Popping in shoulder joints

    Here are a few web sites that have some good info on the Rotator Cuff. I to had a popping RC . I quit doing upward rows and in a couple of months the popping was gone. It is sill a little sensitive ,but I can live with that . Rotator Cuff Exercises Rotator Cuff...
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    Best Exercise Equipment

    Body Solid Fitness Factory is the manufacture of Body Solid. A lifetime (In Home) warrantee They have more that one Grade of equipment Make sure you inquire on the ones with the Lifetime warrantee.
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    Protein shakes and nausea

    Drink it with a straw and drink it within an hour not all at once. The straw keeps the air in you stomach down. So not as much bloating
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    Swolecat - Bryan, would appreciate your input!

    Eat Like a Viking ……… EAT MORE BEEF ………… From Mr. Chicken
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    <span style='color:red'> When you call them on the phone ask what is the best they can do on the price . I did that and he deducted $50 off the rack</span>
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    <span style='color:red'>If you have the space the Body Solid is the way to go.I sold my Bowflex and a couple of other thing so I could get Something that was quality lifetime equipment. The full cage allows you to do all kind of exercises with out a spotter. You can do heavy squats, bench, and...
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    <span style='color:red'>.All I was trying to point out is that after shipping his space saver would cost about what I paid for the rack and a lifetime warrantee. The rack is only 81”H x 44”L x 46”W. They have ones with only a 1 year warrantee for about $150 including s&amp;h</span>
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    I just purchased the Body Solid Full Cage for $250 and shipping is free . They advertise it for $299, but if you talk to them they will come down some. I also got the Pro bench, preacher curl attachment leg attachment and that lat pull down attachment you see there. All with a life time In home...
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    Feels too I doing it wrong?

    It sounds to me that your need to add some weight. <span style='color:red'>Wrong !</span> I misread your post. You should be about one or two reps from fatigue. Moreover, no one said you had to drag out your exercise routine. (Not that I recall.) Intensity is still a good thing. (Don’t waste...
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    How often should I train

    It all has to do with what you are trying to accomplish. I do a full body workout using mostly compound exercise and a few isolated exercise where needed.Only 3 days a week
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    Brian’s “Eating For Size "

    I think you are on to something for us advanced Bodybuilders. ;) Tongue firmly planted in cheek. Ahh Humm ! I really don’t think that the same thing holds true for us as it does for the guys in there forties and younger . Not exactly , somewhat ? Yes! but, exactly ? No! After you hit the big 5-0...
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    Brian’s “Eating For Size "

    Thanks for your reply . About the farts . I'll just blame it on the dog. :D One other thing . After wo yesterday on the 15's I came in and measured and my right Bi was up 1/4inch from the week( 9 days) before . Therefore, on the pump the right bi is at 17. When I started HST 2 months the right...
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    Brian’s “Eating For Size "

    DKM, Old &amp; Gray, Anyone I’m sure this has been answered a thousand times before ..but,… Protein Requirement for growth Brian’s “Eating For Size On this my second cycle. I’m going to pay more attention to my eating habits and try to eat correctly. Diet and me have never been as good as I...