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  1. M

    Artificial Sweeteners

    Any comments, opinions? I've taken a couple days off of the diet sprite which is what I always drink with my meals, I did notice one specific thing which is a decrease in appetite. The insulin thing may not even matter to me since I'm on a simple low calorie diet rather than low carb.
  2. M

    Appetite Supressant

    Went and read up on 5-HTP, sounds ok though the "lowered sex drive" side effects mentioned weren't appealing heh. I couldn't find what bromo is though.
  3. M

    How to Boost appetite

    King Protein is right, shakes or other liquid calories are a great option.
  4. M


    Heard ads on the radio, seeing if anyone has tried it. It supposedly supresses cortisol and it contains an appetite supressant of some kind. Lemmie know if its worth anything.
  5. M

    Artificial Sweeteners

    I've read in numerous places and from sources that I'm not sure whether they are credible or not that Artificial Sweeteners can cause your body to react just as it would if you ate real sugar.
  6. M

    Get Ready for the Vitamin Police

    I agree, government is not very effective at protecting us from ourselves, which is why they should abolish the FDA so that private citizens can establish a much more effective means of controlling quality such as what the UL is to electronics or what the BBB and the other multitude of consumer...
  7. M

    How to Boost appetite

    One option is to eat faster carbs, sugar type carbs. This can sometimes boost the appetite some. Other than that you may have to resort to less legal means i.e. some of that green plant normally grown in some guys basement.
  8. M

    Appetite Supressant

    I need a supressant of some kind, I'm having a whole lot of trouble lately controlling my hunger for some odd reason which isn't helping me when I'm cutting. What would be the best, safest most effective reccomendation? Caffine seems to help a little but I've got too high of a tolerance for it.
  9. M

    Fiber and Calories

    Yep, I dont tend to doubt Aaron, I was just hoping for a different answer. I'm having tons of trouble keeping my calories low lately, my appetite is freakin huge but my fiber stays around 30g a day. My mantainence is around 2500 but I stay around 2300, 200 below but I used to stay around 1800...
  10. M

    Eating to GAIN

    Also remember its not always how much you eat, its how many calories, keeping a good meticulous count of these using Fitday will help you. Eating a hamburger at Jack in the Box vs eating a home made hamburger at home can be a difference of about 400 calories or more seeing how jack in the box...
  11. M

    Fiber and Calories

    Any other opinions on this or does a lack of responses aside from Aaron indicate a lack of knowledge or an agreement?
  12. M


    Fish oil gel caps. Look at and you'll find Alaskan deep sea fish oil for about 19 dollars for 6 bottles. Its from salmon apparently. It also appears to be filtered as evidenced by the lack of cholesterol which supposedly indicates a lack of mercury.
  13. M

    Eating to GAIN

    Ok, I've read, been told, and experienced growth at 12-15 cals per lb, and after a while it will plateau, so you'll need to move up to 18 cals /lb and that should do the trick. I'm in a cutting phase but lately I've stuck around 12 / lb. It really all depends on how much you've been eating...
  14. M

    Fiber and Calories

    Well that sure is depressing. All this time I assumed/hoped it'd be around 100-200.
  15. M

    Protein and calories

    For us Americans 90k is 198 lbs.
  16. M

    Fiber and Calories

    I've read in several places that about 30g of fiber per day will expel the number of calories of food you normally would absorb, exactly or roughly how many calories would this be?
  17. M

    Please Help - they try to ban supps in europe

    All the more reason to vote Libertarian So ECA stacks are banned now? What about for us Texans?
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    Haha, well good info even though I was just being silly.
  19. M

    Can you build muscle just by eating more?

    It does build some muscle w/o training, but you'll really just get mostly fat.
  20. M

    Looking for complete protein other than meat & co.

    You avoiding meat on religious grounds or ethical grounds or just to avoid it out of fear of caloric and fat excess. If its the latter I'd say that the fear is somewhat unfounded and even unhealthy. Your body needs some fat intake. Lean turkey and chicken and tuna are THE best lean sources of...