Looking for complete protein other than meat & co.

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I am trying to fit in @ least 100g of protein into my diet.
I am trying to keep it low in fat. My diet consists of fruits and vegetables, legumes, etc.
I know about nuts but they are kind of high in fat content. I end up eating too many.
I am trying to steer away from dairy as well.
I remember someone writing how they get in 140g of protein in while keeping their caloric intake low without added meat or protein supplementation by combining different alternative sources to make complete sources.
Right now I eat tofu, egg whites, almonds (but i eat too many, FAT! ) + leafy greens, etc.
What are some good protein sources I could use to combo into making complete protein?
ANY info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
A gram of protein has the same amount of calories no matter what source it comes from: milk, eggs, meat, tofu, nuts, etc. If you eat 30 g of protein, it will ALWAYS contain 120 calories. It is just simple nutrition. If you are trying to stay away from meats and dairy because you think it will keep your calorie intake low, it is probably unnecessary. Try tuna, skinless chicken breasts, skim milk, and lean meats. Protein shakes are always a good way to go as well.
im sorry... i mean i would like to keep my caloric intake low from FAT and CARB. sources...

Am looking for alternatives to meat, dairy, and supp.

Again thanks for any information.
Short term there is no real problem from a low fat diet.

Long term there can be issues

especially with the fact that low fat diet (esp low GI) tastes like sawdust
You avoiding meat on religious grounds or ethical grounds or just to avoid it out of fear of caloric and fat excess. If its the latter I'd say that the fear is somewhat unfounded and even unhealthy. Your body needs some fat intake. Lean turkey and chicken and tuna are THE best lean sources of protein ever. Turkey and Chicken especially. The difference in fat between Turkey and Beef is like 1 to 4.

If its about taste then add cheese, it has more fat but it always helps, plus the carbs stay low.

If its about ethical or religious aversion then you're going to have a seriously tough time I'm afraid. Especially by avoiding dairy too since whey comes from dairy sources. Beans have a high fat and/or carb content, so do a lot of nuts. I'd say you're screwed if this is the case.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Lean turkey and chicken and tuna are THE best lean sources of protein ever. Turkey and Chicken especially. The difference in fat between Turkey and Beef is like 1 to 4.

It all depends on the cut of meat. 4% fat ground beef is a staple of my diet.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If its about ethical or religious aversion then you're going to have a seriously tough time I'm afraid. Especially by avoiding dairy too since whey comes from dairy sources. Beans have a high fat and/or carb content, so do a lot of nuts. I'd say you're screwed if this is the case.

This may be one of the few cases where high(ish) quantities of soy protein are warranted.