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  1. M

    'Eating for Size''article does not give amounts of

    Aaron is right for the most part, however I'm not so sure that vitamin supplements (i.e. vitamin c, e, d) don't work as intended. They are just that, supplements for when you don't get what you need in your diet. I can't stand veggies, I still eat them but no where near the quantity that would...
  2. M

    Quick Question

    I personally take a rest period of 1-1.5 minutes between sets, and 2 mins or so between seperate exercises (i.e. between squats and bench press).
  3. M

    Zig Zag diet approach for simutaneous...

    It's very possible, but not exact. I haven't actually experimented with this exact meathod. However I've had the most successful fat loss and muscle gain with similar meathods. I think the idea is that when in a caloric deficit shortly after a surplus your body will burn a lot more fat at...
  4. M

    Calves training specifics

    One is enough. I do less than blade does. I do it just like the other exercises in HST. One leg standing calf raise machine, increment 10 lbs. 2 weeks of 15's then 2 weeks of 10's then 2 weeks 5's all by the book - 2 sets ea leg. They're growing fast and I'm trying to diet.
  5. M


    Guessing your lean body weight is a tad difficult. Being at around 18% bodyfat and 193.5 lbs I would guess my lean body weight is 172 considering a good 15-20 lbs of that 34 lbs is not all fat, there's organs, brain and bones to consider, but I don't always make it to 175g of protein, sometimes...
  6. M

    Calves training specifics

    I assume he means every work out day. Which is what I've been doing. So far it's lookin good.
  7. M

    Question about Fitday's info

    My weight rose from 192.0 lbs to 193.5 lbs over the past week of a pretty solid <2100 cal diet. I'm gonna have to guess that it was muscle gain, and that a scale just isn't going to tell me any kind of real information whatsoever.
  8. M

    Question about Fitday's info

    Well, most my measurements are very accurate and none if it is eyeballed, all the info comes from the packaging and also measurements if needed based on the packages. Anything obscure like eggs and meat is measured via their info on the site. Give or take 100 cals I'm at exactly 1800-2000 a...
  9. M

    Question about Fitday's info

    According to fitday I apparently burn over 3200 cals per day w/o any exercise. With exercise it usually hits 3600-3800. My average calorie intake over the past month is only 2500, and most days it ends up being 1900-2000. Given this fact I should be losing a HELL of a lot of fat. My tummy...
  10. M

    Eating Habits

    I do the same on Friday's and Saturdays, I'll get a good 3500 calories then from Sun-Thurs I'll stay around 1900, which is real hard. Its even harder trying to keep both carbs and fat low and still get my weight in protein. Most the carbs I get however are complex and I'm getting around 30-35g...
  11. M

    hey, i kinda asked this before, but..

    Due to how MJ is injested you might keep it to a minimum of 1 or 2 days a week if you can, but you're right, it dramatically increases your appetite over time.
  12. M

    Muscle relaxants for SD ?

    I'm not sure how muscle relaxers would help at all. Your body will heal more quickly with more sleep. Your muscles are very relaxed during sleep. I would tend to think that taking anything that induces relaxation could block and hinder certain processes.
  13. M

    Eating Habits

    When looking to gain weight its best to wait till you're hungry so you can eat the most calories in one sitting. When looking to lose it would be just the oposite, eat small meals when you aren't hungry. I wouldn't look to this as your only answer to gaining weight however.
  14. M

    Why Eat Meat?

    Right, and tryptophan is a very important essential amino. Studies are showing the lack of this to be a link to sleep disorders and depression. One problem is that it gets bumped off by other aminos during transport unless it is mostly ingested by itself. Milk by itself or with honey is a...
  15. M

    Why Eat Meat?

    They contain all the essential aminos, but notice I said "in abundance". Look at the side of any whey protein container and the number of mg for each. This is why they say don't depend on just protein shakes. I use 100% whey protein. The rest I get from other sources. Too expensive...
  16. M

    Why Eat Meat?

    Sorry guy but protein powder only contains about 2 of the 6 essential aminos in abundance. You're going to end up depriving yourself of the rest if you don't get a good helping of some kind of meat, legumes and whole grain oats/wheat to complete it. If you're not a big meat eater eggs and fish...
  17. M

    hey, i kinda asked this before, but..

    Fat is an important nutrient, you should get at least 60g a day of good fats. Good fats are in eggs, meat/poultry, fish and grains. You should also add a tbsp of flax seed oil to your protein shakes daily. Liquid calories help a lot when trying to add weight for people who have this problem...
  18. M

    Fish vs Flax

    1 tablespoon of Flax seed oil contains about 8g of Omega 3's and 6's. Which is the recommended amount. This is what I've been using for well over 2 months now. I keep hearing people talk about fish oil, is this not for the same reason and is there really a difference or is it just an either or?
  19. M

    Isolated proteins & protein digestion

    Where did you find that info? Sounds kinda bogus and full of #### to me.