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  1. O

    Resistance Training & Pulse Rate

    yes but still mine's 72 typically...... i'd think after years of training my heart rate would be better then a couch potato.....
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    Growth Plate Fusion

    This is what I figure. Hmmmmmm.
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    Resistance Training & Pulse Rate

    One thing that has always concerned me is my pulse rate. i think it's like 60-72 about avg... i am curious as to why this is so... I mean i workout ALOT more then the avg. person i'd figure my heart rate would be lower the sedentary individuals but this is not so... I know some people with...
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    Growth Plate Fusion

    Hey guys, Does anyone happen to have any good information about growth plate fusion & the end of puberty and what age it occurs?? A few sites i've read say 16-17, others as late as 25... is this to suggest a range? Quite broad!! Right now i'm 20, STILL getting hairier, my friends say i...
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    My HST cycle.

    I replied via PM, if you have any other concerns just give me a shout through PM. :)
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    gyno for the last time

    I have what u described as puffy nipples as well... Bryan explained to me that the cause is most likely pubertal. And that the puffy nipples can also be caused just byhow you store fat. If you tend to store fat on your chest and upper torso, then they may puff a bit due to the fact that the...
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    Is this gyno or just fat?

    it's really hard to say... even when i;m lean.. when my nipples are not contracted or whatever they puff a bit... not noticable to most ppl but i see it... when i was fatter they stuck out more... cut the weight they will go down.. i asked bryan about it before he said that the areolar tissue...
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    my new higher frequency program

    after a few cycles of higher freq. workouts i've concluded the following... - Rotating exercises is a MUST - Keep your weekly volume in CHECK - IMO when cutting higher freq. is absolutely the best way to go. i did not lose ANY size, mind you i noticed that the weight DID feel heavier than...
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    How Many Sets

    I think what O&G is getting at is the quality factor... If one can get the same effect from lifting a load perfectly for 1 set, as apposed to rushing to meet a rep count for the first few sets... your wasting your time doing any more then one set. I think his idea shooting for a PUMP each...
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    Where is the option; "scare the hell out of me...... but i do them n e ways" [ x ]
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    Yet Another Shoulder Injury

    i think i strained my right shoulder... i'm just going to dump the cycle for now and rest for 2 weeks. i COULD workout and finish the cycle i'm sure... but it's not a big deal now.. just a lil soar... in the belly of the muscle... BUT i DON'T want to risk it. so SD time for me! i only got in...
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    Time to put myself out there...

    you're crazyyyy lean! I agree with Fausto, all you have to do is add more mass! you're looking good and ready for some HST growth :)
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    how to get harder muscles

    I don't think an uncontracted muscle is supposed to be hard...
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    Exercises to avoid

    bruuutal, i don't use a training partner.
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    steroid cycle & HST

    i think they may actually do the 5s but they will not let the weight get any higher then their 8 rm.
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    steroid cycle & HST

    i think they may actually do the 5s but they will not let the weight get any higher then their 8 rm.
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    Protein From breads

    As long as the diet is mixed with proteins from both animals and plant sources i cant see it being an issue. Besides doesn't the quality of the protein become les of an issue as the quantity of protein is increased? Protein Myths - Page 3
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    Hating weekends

    i think i kno what you mean, when you get busy sometimes u don't have time to eat a bunch, my advice would be to get something you can bring with you incase... Like ricecakes, granola bars, sandwiches, maybe some protein bars.. Personally i carry a thermos with protein in it and rice cakes for...
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    Cheerios vs. Oatmeal

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    New pic is up after cutting cycle

    Calves and Abs are used everyday making them hard to decondition. (my best guess)