[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Didn't one of the articles (can't remember which one exactly at the moment) say that if your protein intake is over 15-20% of your total kcal intake, that protein synthesis actually goes down? Or something along those lines. That kind of goes against "no such thing as too much protein".
Not looking to disprove you JV, just asking for clarification if at all possible
Ooops! My bad... okay, let's try to get a little bit of clarification:
Yes, of course there is a limit. That's why right after I said there's no such thing as too much protein, I immediately added a note that said "within reason". It's right there, if you reread my earlier post.
And it's not just calories. Even if you stay below the 20% mark, if you don't get enough of the other good stuff, your diet is also compromised. If you don't get enough carbs, fiber, and essential fats, all the protein in the world wouldn't do you any good.
I was merely after Key of David's personal scenario when I told him not to worry about discounting his intake of plant protein. Chances are, unless one actually literally eats 1g of complete (animal) protein for each pound he has, then discounting the relatively much fewer protein from plant protein wouldn't really be a problem. And even when one does so, unless one also eats a truckload of plant protein, the additional "complete" protein formed from all the generally "incomplete" plant protein taken in wouldn't be so significant. Again, these are just generalizations. If one actually ate 1gm of animal protein per pound of body weight, and also ate a truckload of food rich in plant protein, then that might be a problem - not just because of too much protein, but also because such a protein intensive diet might lack other necessary nutrition like essential fats. And since diet is also critical about balance, taking in too much of one aspect of a diet would mean you also have to increase your intake of other things, which makes it a pain to maintain the balance.
Sorry if I were confusing in my previous post!
I just wanted to reassure him that he could discount half the plant protein he gets, because that wouldn't amount to too much in my estimation, and would most probably not screw up the balance of his diet.
Hope this helps.

- JV