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  1. O

    how much whey protein to take VS meat protein?

    Chicken or Whey is all i use...
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    Milk and Acne

    is it not worth a shot? restless cut the milk out of his diet and in 2 weeks he said his acne was gone, i think it's worth a shot. Worst comes to worst i use it again? no big deal?? I just replace the milk i'm using with more whey for a while! whey is cheaper n e ways.
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    Exercises to avoid

    On box squats i think the idea is to transfer the load to the box... done incorrectly, this could be bad news for the spine IMO.
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    When to stop bulking & start cutting? (skinny guy)

    I find if i eat nicely, ie. some junk and keep my calories above maintenance for 2-3 cycles and then cut for a cycle it keeps abs within site at all time. i've been "cutting" for probably 3.5 weeks now and i've dropped i'd say close to 2 % bodyfat. about 1 lb a week.
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    Exercises to avoid

    SLDL = using poor form (rounding your back) Box Squat = (spine compression) Hack Squat = (Sheer forces on knee joint) Any ego-lifts like Bench, Squat, and Deadlift are dangerous when you use too much weight sacraficing form.
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    what is an avg. test. reading?
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    Milk and Acne

    Whoa, if i read those correctly there is a link. Also i'm thinking if milk has all these hormones in them, could they be beneficial for training in any sense?? Or is it like pro-hormones - useless? Anyways i'm cutting out milk, Anyone have any idea if WHEY PROTEIN may be cause for concern? or...
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    I don't like them either, hurt my back.
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    Milk and Acne

    High school dietary dairy intake and teenage acne. That's the only one i could find, so far.
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    Milk and Acne

    i used to drink like a gallon a day. i drink like 2 litres now. i think there has been studies on it let me find some.
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    Milk and Acne

    I was reading through some old posts and i noticed that a few people have cut dariy out of their diet in order to eliminate their acne. Personally i've always had acne since about the age 16, i'm 20 now. I've ALWAYS drank alot of milk. So i'm going to try cutting it out of my diet and see what...
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    Tc the advanced HST'ers

    I am about bigger muscles not lifting more weight. i used to train powerlifitng style but i've given that up.. as u can see ai no longer bench or deadlift. i do full squats, which allows me to use much less weight.
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    O & G i agree that it helps, BUT, i recall bryan saying that anti-oxidants reduced the hypetrophic signal, therefore wouldn't too much vit. c dampen ur gains?
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    Minimum duration of an effective SD

    Anything less than 9 days is COMPLETE WASTE IMO... First off you will not decondition the muscle NEARLY as much as you should. Some people may think but it's a waste not to train for 2 weeks, well, if it's productive it's not. Think about it, if your SD is inadeqaute you may end up WASTING a...
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    Managing and Maintain Volume

    So you think what i have laid out looks good?
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    New Abbreviated Routine

    Thanks, i think i might alt. the deads and squats. or do hip belt squats.
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    Managing and Maintain Volume

    How do i manage to screw up EVERY title of my posts ugh.
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    Managing and Maintain Volume

    After a whole lot of reading over the FAQ and old posts i've come up with a bit of an outline for volume maintenance throughout an entire HST cycle. A major issue i've had with HST is that i never liked the idea of increasing weight and decreasing volume, it's always bugged me. (2 steps...
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    New Abbreviated Routine

    I was thinking that, i might do that. I hope bryan sees this.
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    Fish Oil

    Couple Questions about the fish oil... Now it's reccomnded to take 6 grams of EPA and DHA... (i might be confused) HOWEVER, each capsule contains 1000 mg of FISH OIL, 180 of which is EPA and 120 of which is DHA. so, FISH OIL - 1000 mg EPA - 180 mg DHA - 120 mg do i still take 6 capsules...