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  1. L

    Wrists not growing ?

    Ok so HST wont work well for wrists ? i need to do 15 + reps per set ? I can definitively wrap my thumb and middle finger around it... And yes exactly i wear long sleeve shirts too... Wrist curls and reverse wrist curls is what i do, but i do them hst style with a barbell, I feel i could use...
  2. L

    Quick Q. about 5s/neg workouts

    Yeah im eating enough, maybe i could eat more but im eating over maintenance for sure. i was wondering instead of going to the gym if you need to skip, should you be doing some pushups and stuff at home just like one set of a few things just to keep ure muscles away from atrophy ? or is it...
  3. L

    Quick Q. about 5s/neg workouts

    thanks, guys, i was feeling kinda down when i wrote this and was almost falling at sleep at work, so i drank 3 strong expresso and now im feeling good i think i might go right after work even if im sore, cant stop shaking my legs hehe, ill take that 1 extra day of rest sunday instead depending...
  4. L

    Wrists not growing ?

    In the past months ive put considerable efforts to grow my arms, it worked to some extend , except for my wrists, my wrist are still as small as they were before ( i can see my wrist bones ) What i did to add mass was i added hammers , wrist curls and reverse wrist curls to my hst workout, it...
  5. L

    The Look

    Yeah LL Cool J is kinda what id like to look like, but maybe just a little bit smaller, im not sure i can get there, ive got a looong long way to go, first of all im smaller, and i have very small bones, my wrists are tiny, but anyways i have the...
  6. L

    The Look

    Yeah LL Cool J is kinda what id like to look like, but maybe just a little bit smaller, im not sure i can get there, ive got a looong long way to go, first of all im smaller, and i have very small bones, my wrists are tiny, but anyways i have the...
  7. L

    Quick Q. about 5s/neg workouts

    Hi, i just started my neg, i did my 2 weeks of 5s before. I need to decide if i should go or not to the gym tonight, hope i get some answers before 6pm anyways... i did my first negatives workout and im pretty sore , i should be going to the gym today, but i was wondering if its ok to take an...
  8. L

    Minimal maintenance routine

    I was about to ask the same question, once i hit my targetted weight, what will i need to do to maintain it ? Right now since im following HST im going to the gym 3 or 4 times per week. If i want to keep what i worked so hard for, are you sure once a week will be enough ? Also im not sure...
  9. L

    Youngest bodybuilder ?

    i saw this while browsing the net, and in some way i think its kinda freak...
  10. L

    Health risks

    Ok im no expert, but if the problem comes from the supplements ure taking, id say its probably the creatine, i know that one of the side effects of creatine if its taken inproperly (too much of it or not well mixed or dont drink enough water during the day,etc... ) it can cause some cramps and...
  11. L

    Bulking up while keeping waistline slim

    i hate cardio and anything that has to do with cutting... so instead of eating alot , i eat a little over maintenance, i started 8 months ago lifting and was 139lbs, now im 146lbs, doesnt seem like much but i had alot more fat then i do now when i started, so i lost fat and gained weight i think...
  12. L


    There is no diabete in my family, and yes i feel somewhat sleepy after anykind of meal, especially during lunch at work, or when i was in school, oh man that was hard, i kept falling asleep in class, some teachers didnt like me cuz of that... I know the problem is that im probably not getting...
  13. L


    yeah i read somewhere u can count it has water intake, but to get back on the coffee thing... Its not that i have problem sleeping, trust me i can sleep anywhere anytime. And im not addicted to coffee, its just that it helps me staying relatively awake at work... i just want to know what effect...
  14. L

    Best and Cheapest Protein Powders !

    Well ok , this isnt what i wanted to say, what i wanted to know is, is there something Cheaper than what im using right now ( see link above ) that is at least as good or better. Optimum Nutrition's 100% is 25$ US , so if u transfer that in canadian money + tax + shipping, its gonna cost me...
  15. L


    I know coffee is dihuric ( however u spell that ) , makes u dehydrated and go to the bathroom, but lately ive been falling asleep alot at work, i know i should be getting more sleep but for many reasons its not really possible, i get on average between 6h-7h of sleep, when i was younger it didnt...
  16. L

    Inclined bench press vs regular b press

    i always thought that flat bench press was the best of the 3 types of bpress because it works your pectorals overall, but, are there any benefits of doing inclined bench presses, i know it puts more emphasis on ure upper pec... maybe it makes ure pects show more ? i dunno... im trying to think...
  17. L

    Best and Cheapest Protein Powders !

    Hi, curently im using this cytosport whey, and it cost me 40$ ( canadian money ) at the fitness shop near my place... on google i found the product, the packaging is just slightly different from the one i have here probably because of provincial laws in quebec ( we have stupid rules about...
  18. L

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    Yeah i keep reading every where to spread ure meals evenly across the day , i do it when its possible but if its true that eating larger meal is as good then, that would be more practical for me... Sometimes when i have to skip meals, i stay up late just to take one extra meal ( in addition to...
  19. L

    Skim MIlk

    Uhm to get back on the topic, i drink between 1L and 2L of skim milk everyday, but i usualy dont eat many more dairy food aside from that, oh and i also take 1 multivitamin each day too ( it has calcium in it ) ... is this too much ? milk is the conveniant. because its cheap , its very quick to...
  20. L

    Sodium and Potassium

    i dont have alot of money and time on my lunch breaks at work, so i eat frozen foods, i try to get those "heathy" ones with a good amount of proteins and low fat... but i think they are high on sodium... and potassium... i was wondering if i should be conserned about this and also if...