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  1. J

    Bryan - question from your post

    bryan recommends .8-1.0g protein/lb, is there an amount of carbs per lb that he recommends? also, is it best to spread them out evenly in 5-6 meals?
  2. J

    press behind neck

    i think it is something that depends on the individual. behind the neck is harder on the shoulder, but some can handle the extra strain others cant. the only way to find out is try it yourself. start with lower weights and increase them slowly to see if there is any strain.
  3. J

    Post workout nutrition

    good question... i know there are different kinds of sugars ie dextrose from corn = good high fructose corn syrup in soda = bad i believe the syrup can put on fat either,but im not sure why since they both essentially will do the same thing.
  4. J

    Bryan - question from your post

    i would guess to: -keep glycogen levels high -ensure more weight gain since carbs burn slow -create insulin spikes to signal your body to put on weight those are my guesses, but i would love to hear what bryan has to say. i usually have 5 meals a day all with 40-70 carbs. i am guessing it...
  5. J

    Easy and Simple Meals...

    recently i have been doing the following: canned chicken, wheat couscous (made with udo's oil), salsa mix it in a bowl and you have a high protein, good carb, good fat meal that tastes great and takes 5 mins to make.
  6. J

    Best Cycle For Mass

    so what is the best for mass? 3x a week or an am/pm split? i am doing a mass cycle in a couple of weeks and am curious what others think
  7. J

    Natural Test Boosters

    I voted for "waste of money"...I tried tribulus and zma in the past with no noticeable difference. I found the best way to boost test is to have a good diet and to stay away from booze!
  8. J

    losing size in the 5s?

    i started my 5s this week. i dont look as full as i did in the 10s. is this common? do i need to compensate with more carbs to add more glycogen? do i need to add drop sets to my workouts to get more of a pump? I am not getting the same pump as i did in the 5s). thanks guys
  9. J

    Strength, Mass, and Alcohol

    i am a heavey drinker, but slowing down. i stopped drinking for 6 weeks at one point and saw my gains triple what they were previously. id be a much bigger dude if i didnt have an on and off love affair with beer all my life!
  10. J

    Should you stop at 10 reps when weight is light?

    as to my understanding (and what i have been doing with good results).... you want to end your sets a 1-3 reps from failure. how can you do this in the begining of the 10s when the weights are light? simple, go slower on the negative part of the rep. you want to achieve the pump feel of blood...
  11. J

    Postwork out amount of carbs for AM/PM workout

    what do you weigh and what do your workouts look like? i would do 40g of protein after each workout, but carbs will vary depending on your weight and how hard your workout is.
  12. J

    Alcohol and creatine?

    are you concerned about the creatine not being as effective or the extra stress on the kidneys?
  13. J

    better ways to get vinegar

    it seems that few of the many that were planning on taking vinegar post workout remembered to or stuck with it. it seems that the few that kept with it had decent results. for me i forgot, or didnt bc i wasnt in the mood for my throat to be scorched. i was thinking of some better ways to ingest...
  14. J

    Bigger arms halfway through SD?

    this happened to me the other week. I had a couple of days off (unintentionally), by the 2nd day my arms looked fuller. I have been doing a 5-6x a week lifting schedule for cutting. the glycogen depletion theory makes complete sense!
  15. J

    Our favorite 60 year old

    why did he leave? he was such an active poster.
  16. J

    best mass building for arms

    ill cut down my arms to 2-3 days a week while im cutting and go heavy on the compounds. should i do the same when bulking or can i increase arms to 6 times a week?
  17. J

    best mass building for arms

    yeah i am not expecting any gains since im cutting, actually i just want to maintain muscle and lose fat as my goal. i guess i want to know more for when i do a bulking cycle. anyone have any thoughts on that? 3 or 6 days for arms?
  18. J

    best mass building for arms

    i am doing a cutting cycle of 6 days a week. it seems that 6 days a week will be awfully taxing on the arms. would it be better to do arms only 3 days a week and 6 days for the larger muscle groups? i want to do what is best for maximum growth (who doesnt)
  19. J

    Best OVERALL shoulder exercise

    In general when the front heads dwarf the rear heads it is due to too many push exercises in comparison to pull exercises. In other words take a look at your workout and see how many compound movements you are doing in a comparison for back (pull) vs chest (push) movements. I love seated rows...
  20. J

    Muscle soreness

    I'm pretty sure it has to do with blood flow.  The more blood flow, the more toxins can be washed out.  A muscle like the shoulder is hard to get soar because any blood flowing to the arms must go through the shoulder first.  Therefore, your extremeties are more prone to gettting soar. I just...