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  1. L

    Cutting and HST

    The way I'm going to do it this time around is to do 6 weeks of max weights (just to record my absolute RMs) around maintenance (lowish carbs), then one week of rest going mostly isocaloric, and then do 8-10 weeks of UD 2.0. I guess the first few weeks should lean me out a bit while I also get...
  2. L

    Enough Calories to grow

    I think a better question would be - "is this optimal for growth?". Why don't you try for a few weeks and tune in the cals yourself ? If, after a couple of weeks, you lose weight, then you need to add cals. If, however, you gain weight, then you're eating enough for growth. I'd...
  3. L

    Opinions: Diet (Weight Loss) Specific Training

    Pauly, I see your point, but...Adding muscle is just a question about training and a sensible surplus of muscle. Still, there's a lot of tweaking and optimizing of that formula (HST, for one). I do believe there are lots of smart things one can do with regards to diets, too. Also, remember...
  4. L

    Opinions: Diet (Weight Loss) Specific Training

    You sure ? How about this quote from Lyle when I asked about UD2.0 and HST on his board ? So...seems it could even be UD2.0. Or it could be CKD. Or it could be...?...Personally I don't really give any animal's hind parts about my strength progress. I do 200kg x 5 in squats and I can easily...
  5. L

    Opinions: Diet (Weight Loss) Specific Training

    I still think it's important to have a good backbone of strength training while doing some (I'm not one of the "lots of cardio"-believers, since I know you can lose a lot without cardio;)) cardio. It's mostly about calories in vs calories out, and proper weight training can produce...
  6. L

    Opinions: Diet (Weight Loss) Specific Training

    I was thinking that the next step in making HST the "one stop solution" to all aspects of bodybuilding would be something like DST (Diet Specific Training) or WLST (Weight Loss Specific Training). This, along with HST and SST, could be a killer combo in my view! So...any views on this...
  7. L

    egg yolks

    From what I've read, you need the extra cholesterol to produce testosterone :) There was also this one post on this board ages ago about studies proving that cholesterol in your food didn't raise cholesterol in your bloodstream.
  8. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    If you've gained muscle while not gaining weigth, then you've either lost skin, muscle, or bone. I think we can safely discard two of them as not possible. you say, your BF went down, so you've lost size, gained LBM. Great work!
  9. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    1. That's just an uncomfirmed rumour 2. I hear that all the time from girls, and I still don't believe it!
  10. L

    HST and Westside

    You mean apart from doing one cycle of each ?
  11. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    Why are you talking about Joe Weider ? I agree he should be called Joe Weirder, but...:p
  12. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    Who's Joe ? We should get Lyle in here...Lyle *and* his infamous monkeys! Now that would've stirred things up a bit
  13. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    I'll get you back when I wake up! I will use my MFW Kung Fu on you!
  14. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    Well, my gross suggestion boils down to the following: being able to squeeze it and feal it moving and listening to the gross sound it makes - all for the good purpose of making it easier to stay motivated. When I did my CKD a few years back I used to envision having a 20l backpack and then...
  15. L

    making the surplus all protein.

    ...and also make sure to get *at least* 100g of carbs unless you want to go ketogenic (which is not a good way to add muscle;))
  16. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    How abotu going to your local liposuction clinic, ask for a couple of pounds of fat, then go to your local, friendly butcher and ask him or her to vacuum pack (is that the right word for it?) for you. I guess it's as gross as it gets, but at least you'd see what fat *really* looks like under...
  17. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    I would say a 1lb piece of meat, 1lb of feathers, a 1lb dumbbel etc Just kidding with you. I assume you're talking about volume, not weight ?
  18. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    Well, Jeff...I just have to argue (still in workout mode :D ) 1/4 = 0.25 - We can agree on that, can't we ? 1/4 more than 1 = 1 + 1/4 = 1 + 0.25 = 1.25 Whatever 1/4 less than one is was not the issue, but your calculations are correct. Both of them, except you misread my post. The reason I...
  19. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    Well, I did find one thing with a couple of references in it. Apparantly, muscle is 22% heavier than fat, so I think the 1:4 you found is a little misinterprated. Fat is 1/4 heavier than muscle, not 4 times. Check out the links: the post
  20. L

    Size of muscle/fat

    It's all about density. Ever noticed how thick people seem to be able to float around in water more easily than skinny or built guys ? One of the reasons for this is that fat is not very dense at all. Bone and muscle is more dense than water. Try dropping 10 grams of fat and 10 grams of meat in...