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  1. L

    ECA stack questions...

    If you're using them for fat loss, why not use the recommended dosages ? Depends how sensitive you are and how you use them. Lots of people get edgy, some get palpitations, some die. The last, of course, isn't a big risk - but it's still a risk you should be aware of. All diets lowering...
  2. L

    fatburner & eca stacks

    If you don't want any "copy stuff", get Ephedrine HCl, mix with caffeine and aspirin. I'm not sure that's easy to get, though... I'm using Stacker-2 at the moment and I'm pretty happy with it. Considering ECA is banned over here I guess I'll have to do with what I can get my sticky...
  3. L

    Cottage Cheese

    Want something easy ? I use 100g of low fat cottage cheese, and 150g of low fat yoghurt. Change the taste every now and then, but I'll stick to strawberry. With this ratio you won't even taste the cottage cheese unless you leave a big lump in there, but you can just add as much yoghurt as you...
  4. L

    Sodium Usniate recommendations

    That's good to hear! :) I just got some milk thistle, and I'm going to start next Monday night...I hope the results are as good as people say. Cheers
  5. L


    Ephedrine by itself and caffeine by itself will lower your sensitivity, but...the ECA combination will not. Your adverse reactions will disappear, but the fat burning effect should actually increase with time.
  6. L

    Front squat tecnique

    I've used the BBr style myself, but I hate this exercise if it gets too heavy anyway. My mechanics puts me in a position where my upper body is angled, and having a bar on my chest equals more angle and all energy spent on trying no to fall forwards or drop the dang thing on my knees...
  7. L

    Sodium Usniate recommendations

    Hey, there! Just wanted to check something since I've heard a lot of different opinions on how to use SU on a diet. I am going to try a cycle consisting of 1 week SU + HST, 2 weeks ECA + HST, 2 weeks SU + HST, and 2 (or 3) weeks ECA + HST (heard some people lost strength, so I'll use ECA for...
  8. L

    Ephedrine and Caffeine

    I believe aphedrine is slightly anticatabolic and will at the same time give you a boost - both of which are good for gaining strength/size.
  9. L

    Eating before sleep just a little trace of humor, will you ? If you read the first reply it was all answered there. If you read the rest of the replies, they were just the kind of replies you would expect on a Friday ;) Cheers and Peace P.S. Don't bite the hand that feeds ;)
  10. L

    HSN in Norway

    I believe EU regulations state that you can import up to three months worth for your own consumption as long as it's legal in one EU country and not on the scheduled drug list. That's how I imported ECA to Norway... You should look into it! I'm sure Blade will be helpful if you want to buy it ;)
  11. L

    Eating before sleep

    I would imagine anything else would be extremely difficult Sorry...couldn't help it. I'm in a pissfight in another forum, so I need to laugh at my own stupidity instead of just the other moron (note: I said "the other", which means that there must be at least one more - is that me...
  12. L

    HSN in Norway

    Oh, well - I have given up on getting HSN here in Australia, so I'm shipping out (well, let's just say that's the reason anyway;). I will leave this nice, warm country and move back to my native FREEZING country in January (it's a good thing I leave in the middle of a sub-tropical summer to go...
  13. L


    According to Lyle McDonald, there exists studies which show that ECA is just as effective, if not more, when used continually. Where these may be I have no idea, but probably somewhere on medline... Contraindications from EC are, but not limited to as I cannot remember them all and I'm too lazy...
  14. L

    Overeating fat with not carbs or protein

    Why don't you go ask Lyle and come back with the definitive answer ? ;)
  15. L

    how to get heavy db's into place??

    I usually go for the obvious - ask someone to hand them to me. I like my shoulders the way they are. No need to make them as bad as my knees ;)
  16. L

    cardio after weight workout

    Supposedly, cardio is best "enjoyed" after your workout.
  17. L

    cardio after weight workout

    Is there any reason why you want to "waste" time on cardio in the first place ? As far as I know you won't be able to do anything with cardio that you couldn't do by lowering cals and do weights anyway...until you hit really low bf.
  18. L

    Can't buy Ipriflavone where I live in Australia

    They're on the Internet, and they're probably the cheapest high quality shop in Australia...and they do shipping. I'm not trying to force you to do anything, it was just a suggestion...
  19. L

    Let me get this straight

    The usual advice is 5 or 10% (*percent*) intervals. So, if those 140 were squats, I'd increment 15 each workout, wheres if it was some minor exercise I'd increment 7 (5 or 10) each workout. Well, once you've completed six workouts were you worked your way up to your previous RM for that number...
  20. L

    Can't buy Ipriflavone where I live in Australia

    Have you tried Ada Street Discount Supplements ? I find they will pretty much cover anything you can get in this country, and they're pretty knowledgeable all over.