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  1. C

    your results with HST...

    Great results on all your cycles man!
  2. C

    Leg Press

    I am still getting the lower back pain, so it may be how I sleep (which is mostly on my side)
  3. C

    Happy B'day

    <div> (Fausto @ Feb. 21 2006,08:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have a supper day! Don't get carried away with the cake! </div> Haha, you mean don't get carried away with the drinks (which I did without a choice!) Thanks for all the messages guys! I haven't been on...
  4. C

    Confused after the 5's

    Continue on with your 5RM -progress where applicable -negs can be performed on assisted machines w/o a partner -drop sets -static holds -pulsing -metabolic sets
  5. C

    Spyke's 9x per week program

    I like it a lot.. it reminds me of my current 8x/week program... but I would move the squats to AM/PM workouts... you are already doing curls and extensions on TRS.. and I bet you could gain some muscle.. some, not a lot though.
  6. C

    chicken only anyone?

    Yeah.. it's pretty similar - depending on thickness of steak/chicken If you buy frozen chicken breasts/tenders from the store and canned chicken, then the nutrition facts on there are pretty consistent. When it comes to going out to eat (not fast food - they have stats), then just estimate.
  7. C

    Another newbie

    you could go 2.5, 2.5, 5, 5, 7.5, 7.5 I am not sure what your increments are though
  8. C

    Had to cut back to 2x week

    Oh man when I first started I was definitely beat by 8 or 9pm... but you get used to it. Eat more Drink more (water) -Colby
  9. C

    My latest routine tweak

    You're right with your comment on soreness isn't a measure of growth. If you've had success in your past HST cycles, then why change it?
  10. C

    Tastes good..

    Count caloires
  11. C

    My latest routine tweak

    It looks like HIT, unless you are treating it like this: Day 1: 70% 12RM, 70% 10RM, 70% 8RM, 70% 6RM for each exercise... all the way up to Day 6: 12RM, 10RM, etc... -Colby
  12. C

    Another newbie

    The rule of thumb is to start off at 70% of your RM for a given exercise. If it is 2.5 kgs, then start off with 1.5 kgs and do: 1.5, 1.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.5, 2.5 If you do not have those DB's, then do 2.5 all the way through... or even find something else you can lift that is lighter. You don't...
  13. C

    Triceps pushdowns

    I was talking about stretch, so really the best isolation exercise for the triceps are the skullcrushers.
  14. C

    Bigger bi's...

    I would love to have 17.5 inch arms!
  15. C

    Had to cut back to 2x week

    frequency &gt; volume
  16. C

    barbell or dumbbell?

    Echo what Style mentioned.. also, you get more stretch (example being bench press) with dumbells
  17. C

    starting HST next Monday...

    You are correct when talking about the time and rep ranges. As far as sets go... there isn't a set amount that you have to do. Do as much as you can do without going to failure. It is a workout! Keep in mind that you do not want to overload on sets for the 1st exercise of a given muscle group...
  18. C

    New study

    The volume may not go up, but the load does.. that should be good enough? (or am I stuck on hypertrophy thoughts here)