Search results

  1. M

    fish oil capsules

    Salmon is definitely a great source for EPA and DHA. I just now noticed that my links don't really work and that there is no way apparently to link directly to the data tables I've been looking at. In case you don't have it, here is the link for the homepage of the USDA nutrient data base...
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    fish oil capsules

    Personally, I'd vote for the sardines or trout on the basis of EPA and DHA content and orange roughy or trout for flavor. 1 can (92 g) of oil packed sardines (drained) contains almost 23 g protein, 435 mg EPA, 468 DHA, 250 IU vitamin D with only 99 IU vitamin A, and lots of calcium. Sardines...
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    fish oil capsules

    restless is correct about the vitamin A study. I thought it had been more general. Anyway, here is a summary of the study: Vitamin A and hip fractures.
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    fish oil capsules

    boggy, In doing more research, I came across this site that contradicts the idea that 4 to 5 times the US RDA of vitamin D can be toxic. So you may actually be OK as far as vitamin D goes. How much vitamin D? How much vitamin A is in your multivitamin? I suspect that it's 5000 IU. If that...
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    fish oil capsules

    boggy, According to the USDA nutrient database, cod liver oil contains 69 mg EPA (20:5 omega 3) per gram of oil and 110 mg of DHA (22:6 omega 3) per gram of oil. This would put your total intake at 621 mg EPA and 990 mg DHA. Since cod liver oil is very high in vitamins A and D, you would...
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    You generally only do dropsets during the 5s and the negatives if you do those. You should do a dropset as quickly as you can after your last set for a given exercise. In other words, no rest beyond what it takes to drop the weight to your 15 RM. The goal is to get the lactic acid burn and the...
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    Testdren ADP and Impact Nutrition products

    I don't know anything about the products you mentioned, but you might want to take a look at this thread on weight loss products if that is your goal. Weight loss products that work.
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    Another reason to take creatine?

    I ran across this article reporting research suggesting that 5g of creatine a day can boost working memory and general intelligence. report on creatine The report mentioned "fragrance" problems with creatine supplementation. Does anyone know what this is referring to?
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    Blades Pics

    BIZ wrote: I nominate CalKid as an official HST poster boy. :) (See pics at Page 6 of Results thread)
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    Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate

    Aaron, I was assuming the last on your list of possibilties, but the supplement companies sure know how to hype - promising increased protein synthesis, a "perpetual pump," and better bedroom performance. I keep hoping that one day another supplement will come along as effective as...
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    High protien intake

    Jake's right. It's most likely the riboflavin (B-2).
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    Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate

    Anyone have any opinions about or experience with arginine alpha-ketoglutarate? Thanks in advance.
  13. M

    your results with HST...

    2nd cycle results: (short cycle - skipped the 15's this time but I don't plan to skip them in the future) Numbers are compared to the end of my first cycle on 5/19/03. I'm 42, about 6' 2", 174 pounds. Weight: +3 pounds Waist: +1/8" (so not too much fatter :) ) Chest(flexed)...
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    your results with HST...

    I just finished my first cycle!! First of all, I'm a 42 year old ectomorph (6' 2" and 135 lbs when I graduated high school) who has always longed to be big and buff. I've been lifting weights off and on again since undergrad days. When I was in college I was making good gains but then...