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  1. I

    What a load of BS

    In my younger days (about a year ago) i saw a steroid book in advertised in some bbing mag. As i didnt ava clue on the subject i thought id purchase this 'massive encyclepedia' covering 'every aspect of bodybuilding'. Got an envelope a week later, thought it wasa bill. It had the 'encyclepedia...
  2. I

    Question about the unchallenging weights used.

    Uv done it now kid. I guarentee that someone comes on here and tells you the answers in the other threads + to read them. Ive made that mistake many times. I know where ur coming from, Iv been bbing 4 years, but iv just started HST. Cant speak for the gains yet, but what I will say is that if...
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    How far do you go down on SL Dead Lift?

    I thought that, but I cant c what im doin wrong. + i know a good few people that have said thatthey can never see how SLDL work and they 2 feel it more on the back. My backs straight?? I luk up, (like in squats), I just thought it was prob because i havnt done SLDL for years (I used do do the...
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    Skipping the 15s

    Thanks loads!!!
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    Skipping the 15s

    Yeah your right there! (Sorry, were all different, I forgot) DKM do u no were I can get a routine for a bodybuilder thats trained for years doin 1 body part a day and about 20 sets for each one (ie old methods) I no I suppose to be able to work it out from the threads, but there too much...
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    Few newbie questions

    Regarding squats with dbs. The reason u dont see anyone doing it is that its gona be really a pain in the @$$. Hate to go against dkm, (he blatently knows far more than me on the subject of HST) but if you think about it, the weight u do with dbs will have little to do with your legs. Itl be...
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    HST and stomach

    Was just wondering what everyone did for stomach? Especially for the lower abs (my weaker part). In the past iv been told not to do stomach unless ur down to competition body fat levels (as the muscle makes you look fat), but it seems iv got to throw all past advice out the window if im gona...
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    How far do you go down on SL Dead Lift?

    I use small size plates (because the big ones hit the floor too early) and just stand on the floor. Too be honest I feel the muscles in my lower back more than in hamys (this is because i havnt done this exercise for months), but im not too fussed because its good for your lower back. My mate...
  9. I

    Skipping the 15s

    im a big skeptic when ir comes to HST. im reading posts of people putting on loadsa weight during the 15s, and i cant see the logic behind it. Doing 15s is more like a cardio session to me and 10mins after the workout im fine. +as far as being good for the ligaments, rekon thats rubbish too...
  10. I

    How soon did you begin seeing gains?

    Il keep it short for a change. 1/How do you guys measure change??? If you look in the mirror, u can luk great one day and awful the nxt, dependn on ur mood. 2/Ive always been told a one pound gain a month is massive (especially 4 a bodybuilder of some years), does this change with HST? you...
  11. I

    Just got back from a Kevin Levrone seminar.

    Well I did Arnies routines for a couple of months and they were hard work. Was a while back now but I can remember being nakered due to the shear amount of compound exercises,I mean doing clean and jerks (four sets of 10) is unbelievably hard in its self and tjhats just a tiny part of the...
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    Still full after 3 hours

    Ive gota related question... I always feel sick after my breakfast (porridge and protein shake). This happen to anyone else??? Hope I havnt got morning sickness, dont think my waist line can take another kid (get it... im a boy..hehehe). Questions serious tho
  13. I

    Just got back from a Kevin Levrone seminar.

    My mate was telling me about when he went to a Lou Ferrigno seminar. Said he was massive.Also said he was charging £20 an autograph and his son was kickn the back of his chair, so he ran after him until he went and told his dad!
  14. I

    Could you be a pro?

    I realise genetics play a major part in bodybuilding and for that reason I do not believe that todays top pros are anything like the best in the world (potential wise). Think about it, out of you friends (that you dont know from the gym), how many go the gym? From that number, how many train...
  15. I

    Long term bodybuilder- HST newbie

    LOL, i go the gym to get away from all this clever stuff. I used to be quite intelligent (ive gota degree and everything) but these days a post like that just hurts my head. But you win. Il syke myself up and then plunge into all the science posts.
  16. I

    Have you taken steroids??

    Looks like im getting the ball rolling with the replies.... The main reasons I have never taken anything are 1/ I dont think I could cope with losing strenght and weight after a course (im psycolgically weak) 2/When my friends have finished courses theyv been a joke in the gym, they literally...
  17. I

    Have you taken steroids??

    Reading through other posts, I noticed that most articles mentioned natural bodybuilding. This totally goes against what I see in my gym, I think im the only natural bodybuilder there (even total nubes seem to be on them). Btw iv got nothing against anyone on steroids as a lot of my friends...
  18. I

    Long term bodybuilder- HST newbie

    Does anyone actually know what I mean??? You know when you do that many sets (not using HST) and u feel a real burn, and then afterwards your arms (for example) are fully bloated, and you can hardly move them and you definetly cant flex them properly. Thats what I mean by pump, and i dont rekon...
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    Right heres the ian view on a few things..... (sure ur all terrible bothered!) 1/ I rekon that genetics is everything in the gym. I know lads that are massive and cannot get a chest no matter what they do or how much the lift. One of the lads I used to train with was super lazy and he was...
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    Long term bodybuilder- HST newbie

    Not sure about this being pumped lark on HST, prob just coz im a nube i I moan 2 much, I havnt even finished the 15s yet. but as far as ....