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  1. B

    Working the back

    I need some help on working my back... I hit my shoulders good (do side raises, forward raises, shoulder press), but hitting the middle of the shoulders, the middle back and lower back I don't know what to do. I have access to dumbells. I've tried squats and dead lifts before but screwed up my...
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    sexual abstinence and performance

    What's optimal? Release every 10 days? On your "sex day" can you have Fck alot? Like 6-7 times? Does that have any effect on it?
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    I figured this would probably be the best place to post this... I have a question about increasing testosterone naturally... if I type that into I get a bunch of pheromone ads or whatever it's called. I'm looking for research on what activities or diets can increase testosterone...
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    What are the most effective supplements you've use

    I would say the biggest thing that helped me was protein shakes and food. Good food and freakin lots of it.. Steak, chicken, cottage cheese and tuna. Oats, brown rice and potatos. Seriously, eat a lot of good quality food... no sugar, no simple carbs (avoid wheat products) no bad meats (no...
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    U.S. To Ban Ephedra I feel for them and sorry for their son, but he did not "die in vain"... he died because he took a risk and that risk came to collect it's dues. That's Life... that is all, freakin deal. What about the guy that takes the risk of driving to work on...
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    U.S. To Ban Ephedra

    I smell bullshit. Think about this, they claim that Ephedra has "major" side effects on health and also cite one of the main reason is due to 155 deaths this year that have occurred because of it. Let's think about this for a second, 155 deaths TOTAL in one year for all of United...
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    U.S. To Ban Ephedra

    Offically banned! In the next 60 days, you will not be able to buy it (legally) in the United States.
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    Upper Body workout question

    I'm trying to "round out" my upper body workout, and I have one exercise for each muscle group (only have a set of dumbells)... I heard it was good to have 2-3 exercises for each muscle group, to give them a differant 'angle' and 'shock' to the muscle... could I get some...
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    Lower abs

    Looking at my abs, I got a 'decent' 6 pack... but it would be pushing it to call it an 8 pack. The 2 ab 'packs/cans' under my ribs are HUGE, they sit out further than my ribs.. the 2 'cans' under it are decent, and the 2 cans under that are defined, but not really huge. The last 2 cans (right...
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    Exercises for all muscle groups

    I'm looking for some advice and suggetions on what exercises I could do to make sure I hit all the muscle groups (atleast the ones that will make me look good naked :) j/k-ing.. but would like to get more V shaped (ie. broad shoulders, skinny waist)) Here is what I was doing (currently in SD...