Looking at my abs, I got a 'decent' 6 pack... but it would be pushing it to call it an 8 pack. The 2 ab 'packs/cans' under my ribs are HUGE, they sit out further than my ribs.. the 2 'cans' under it are decent, and the 2 cans under that are defined, but not really huge.
The last 2 cans (right around my bellybutton) are see-able if I suck and flex and I can feel them, but they are really small.
Last training cycle (non-hst) I did weighted crunchs/weighted situps and this weird crunch machine at the gym... I would kill my abs every time I worked them, but for the life of me I couldn't get the bastard 7th/8th 'cans' to come out and play like muscles above them.
What good exercise could I do to work the lower parts of my abs more? I love weigths, so please don't suggest any of those prissy pilates or arobics junk... j/k-ing
my body fat is around 8-15% (I can't measure bf % worth nothing), but even if I did lose fat the lower abs would still be small.
The last 2 cans (right around my bellybutton) are see-able if I suck and flex and I can feel them, but they are really small.
Last training cycle (non-hst) I did weighted crunchs/weighted situps and this weird crunch machine at the gym... I would kill my abs every time I worked them, but for the life of me I couldn't get the bastard 7th/8th 'cans' to come out and play like muscles above them.
What good exercise could I do to work the lower parts of my abs more? I love weigths, so please don't suggest any of those prissy pilates or arobics junk... j/k-ing

my body fat is around 8-15% (I can't measure bf % worth nothing), but even if I did lose fat the lower abs would still be small.